
mgest2001  2022-2023  Mons

5.00 credits
45.0 h + 20.0 h
D'Hondt Catherine; Platten Isabelle;
Main themes
The introductory finance course:
  • Presents the discipline, its challenges and frames learning, particularly with regard to recent developments in sustainable finance;
  • Develops classic financial reasoning, with the consideration of time and risk in the analysis of the financial decision;
  • Analyzes the investment decision in business and in the financial markets;
  • Introduces the company's means of financing (stocks and bonds) and their evaluation, as well as the impact of the financing method on the profitability and investment projects risk;
  • Develops the ability to solve financial problems (investment, financing, profitability and risk analysis) in a digital environment, using a spreadsheet.
  • The law of one price
  • Time value of money
  • Annuities
  • Interest rates
  • Loans
  • Selection criteria for investment
  • How to choose among several projects
  • Cash-flow determination for a project
  • Capital budgeting
  • Bonds
  • Stocks
  • Risk
  • The cost of capital
  • Capital budgeting - conclusion
Teaching methods
  • MOOC
  • Flipped classroom
  • Exercises
Evaluation methods
Within this course, students' skills assessment is twofold :
• Ongoing formative assessment with homeworks (quiz and exercices) during the semester (0% of the final grade)
• Written exam with open questions in session (100% of the final grade)
Other information
Flipped classroom implies students seeing the material beforehand (such as viewing a lecture online) prior to the in-class discussion of the material.
Online resources
  • Finance d’entreprise, 3ème édition, Berk &  DeMarzo, Pearson France 2014.
  • Principles of Corporate Finance: Global Edition,  11ème édition, Brealey, Myers & Allen, McGraw-Hill 2014.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Management