5.00 credits
30.0 h
Hinojosa Valencia Leonith (compensates Legrand Vincent); Legrand Vincent;
Main themes
This part of the course aims to examine the role that social, economic, political and cultural factors play in the geopolitics of natural resources and development and is organized in two sections. Drawing on concepts from Political Ecology, Ecological Economics and Development Studies, the first section provides the foundations to understand the main topics that explain the geopolitics of natural resources and its implications for sustainable development. The interplay of these topics is illustrated by a review of socio-environmental conflicts observed in and development strategies pursued by low and medium-income countries. The second section analyses the developmental possibilities, risks and threats arising out of the current distribution and management of natural resources, notably land and water, in relation to food security and sustainable agriculture. This section discusses the policy and institutional options that countries from the Global South can pursue in order to influence the global governance of natural resources.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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After completing this part of the course students will:
- Portefeuilles de lectures, liens vers ressources électroniques et vidéo et présentations PowerPoint des enseignants mis à disposition des étudiants en ligne sur Moodle.
*Abeysinghe, A, Craft, B, Tenzing, J (2016). L’Accord de Paris et les PMA : L’analyse des résultats de la COP21 au regard des positions des PMA. IIED, London.
*Ali Douai, Gaël Plumecocq (2017). L'économie écologique. Paris : La Découverte.
*Badeeb R.A., Lean H.H., Clark J. (2017). The evolution of the natural resource curse thesis: A critical literature survey. Resources Policy 51: 123-134.
*Bebbington A.; Hinojosa L.; Bebbington D.; Burneo M.L. and Warnaars X. (2008) Contention and ambiguity: mining and the possibilities of development. Development and Change, 39(6): 965'992. Texte aussi disponible en français sur Moodle.
* Blanchon, D. (2019). Géopolitique de l’eau: Entre conflits et coopérations. Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu. https://doi.org/10.3917/lcb.blanc.2019.01
* Coalition eau (2014) Eau et changement climatique : note de recherche. Montreuil. https://www.coalition-eau.org/wp-content/uploads/Etude-Eau-et-Climat-Coalition-Eau1.pdf
* Costanza, R., Norgaard, R., Daly, H., Goodland, R., & Cumberland, J. (2007). An Introduction to Ecological Economics (e-book). Accessible at http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/150045
* FAO, FIDA, OMS, PAM et UNICEF. (2017) L’État de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le monde 2017. Renforcer la résilience pour favoriser la paix et la sécurité alimentaire. Rome, FAO.
*Le Billon, P. (2004). The Geopolitical Economy of 'Resource Wars.' Geopolitics 9(1): 1 ' 28
* Martinez-Alier, J. (2002). The environmentalism of the poor. Paper prepared for the conference on: The Political Economy of Sustainable Development: Environmental Conflict, Participation and Movements. UNRISD, Geneve. https://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/(httpAuxPages)/5EB03FFBDD19EA90C1257664004831BD/$file/MartinezAlier.pdf
* Lasserre, F., Gonon E. & Mottet É. (2016). Manuel de géopolitique: Enjeux de pouvoir sur des territoires . Paris: Armand Colin. https://doi.org/10.3917/arco.motte.2016.01.0023"
Matériel visuel
* EJOLT ' Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade. Atlas of Environmental Justice. http://www.ejolt.org/maps/
* NAP Global Network (2019). http://www.napglobalnetwork.org/resource/multimedia-country-nap-process-posters/
Teaching materials
- Portefeuilles de lectures, liens vers ressources électroniques et vidéo et présentations PowerPoint des enseignants mis à disposition des étudiants en ligne sur Moodle.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Geography : General
Master [120] in Public Administration
Master [120] in Sociology
Master [120] in Population and Development Studies
Minor in Development and Environment
Master [120] in Anthropology