Integrated animal biology : coordination, perception and locomotion

lbio1236  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Integrated animal biology : coordination, perception and locomotion
4.00 credits
40.0 h + 10.0 h
Clotman Frédéric (compensates Knoops Bernard); Dumont Patrick; Dumont Patrick (compensates Knoops Bernard); Gofflot Françoise; Knoops Bernard;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 To establish the bases in biochemistry, physiology and histology, the main animal tissues will be studied, emphasis being put on mammalian tissues. Certain notions in cellular biology will also be deepened with the objective of integrating morphological, physiological and biochemical aspects in cellular processes.
This teaching unit will include,
1. For the part of the study of the musculoskeletal system:
A. The skeleton
Axial skeleton
The appendicular skeleton
B. Skeletal muscles
Organization of skeletal muscles
2. For the part of the study of the nervous system:
A. Sensitivity and sensory treatments
The somesthetic system
Visual pathways
The auditory system
The vestibular system
Chemical senses
B. Motor skills and central control
Motor neurons and motor control
Central controls of the brain stem and spinal cord
Modulation of movements by the ganglia of the base
Modulation of movements by the cerebellum
Eye movements
The vegetative nervous system
3. For the part dealing with sensory reception:
A. the chemical senses
the olfactory mucosa
taste buds
B. The eye and vision
C. The ear and the auditory and vestibular systems
4. For the part of the study of the endocrine system:
A. Introduction
Overall view of the endocrine system
The different types of hormones
Mechanisms of hormonal action
Endocrine regulation: important concepts
B. The main endocrine glands
Hypothalamus and pituitary gland
The parathyroid glands
The endocrine pancreas
The epiphysis (pineal gland)
The adrenal
The organs / structures of the different systems taught in the lectures will be illustrated during practical sessions thanks to the observation and analysis of histological sections.
Teaching methods
Ex cathedra classes, inverted classes, practical work.
Evaluation methods
Written examination. The questions will concern the subject of the different parts of the course, ie the locomotion, the nervous system, the sense organs and the endocrine system, including the teaching of practical work.
Other information
Presence in practical work is mandatory. Any unjustified absence will be sanctioned. Moreover, the holders of the course may, under the article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, propose to the jury to oppose the registration of a student who has not attended to the various sessions of the practical works (without justficiation), for the January, June or September sessions.
Online resources
Course Powerpoints available on Moodle.
Ouvrages de référence : Neurosciences (Purves et aL, éditions de Boeck).  Pour la partie relative au système endocrinien: Précis de Physiologie Médicale (Guyton & Hall ; Piccin Nuova Libraria); The endocrine System (Hinson, Raven & Chew ; Elsevier). Ouvrages conseillés, non indispensables.
Teaching materials
  • Transparents du cours disponibles sur Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Biology

Bachelor in Biology

Master [120] in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology