Architecture in question : societies, cities and territories (Part B)

lbarc2045  2021-2022  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

Architecture in question : societies, cities and territories (Part B)
8.00 credits
90.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2021-2022
Camus Olivier; Courbebaisse Audrey; Salembier Chloé (coordinator); Vanderstraeten Pierre; Wilbaux Quentin;
Main themes
  1. Contemporary issues in society (intergenerational, immigration, new technologies, common good etc.) through different theories and multiples expressions in the regions and cities
  2. Empirical procedures (site visits, records, meetings, surveys, interviews, installations etc.) designed to analyse the socio-spatial dimensions of these social issues.Regional and urban issues (urban areas, housing estates, river banks, eco-areas etc.) through a site study.Approaches which combine theoretical elements and empirical procedures (site visits, records, meetings, surveys, interviews, installations etc.) designed to highlight the issue in context
  3. Scenarios for project and architectural intervention in response to the opportunities and constraints identified in empirical work
  4. Experience in negotiation, communication and validation of production with different players, external to the university
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
  • explore and examine more deeply the social and anthropological dimensions of spatial organisations as well as the spatial dimensions of social and anthropological organisations.
  • study architecture as an intervention which structures and configures the inhabited environment at the level of collective life.
  • understand this environment through 'surveys' : description of spatial arrangements, meetings with the inhabitants and those actively involved on the site being studied, description of culture and practice, cartography etc.
  • design scenarios which reveal the potential and the fragile characteristics of this environment facing contemporary challenges.
  • find references which, by analogy, open the way for other interpretations of the context.
  • produce knowledge and play an active part in their own learning.
  • identify the basic elements of a hypothesis or a proposal  in order to express and communicate them.
Make use of other subjects
  • Make strategic use of other subjects to put into question the design and implementation of an architectural project
Express an architectural procedure
  • Test and use relevant means of communication in relation to the intended audience and the target objectives
Make committed choices
  • Develop awareness of the political meaning of the work of an architect and his/her responsibility towards society
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BESSE, J.-M. (2013). Habiter un monde à mon image. Paris Flammarion
FAVRET-SAADA, J. (1977). Les mots, la mort, les sorts. Paris, Gallimard.
GEERTZ, C. (2002). Savoir local, savoir global: Les lieux du savoir. Paris, PUF
GROSJEAN, M. and J.-P. THIBAUT (2001). L'espace urbain en méthodes. Marseille, Parenthèses
KAUFMANN, J. C. (2016). L'entretien compréhensif - 4e éd, Armand Colin.
LEFEBVRE, H. (1974). La production de l'espace. Paris, Anthropos
MALINOWSKI, B. and T. Jolas (1985). Journal d'ethnographe, Éd. du Seuil.
OLIVIER DE SARDAN, J.-P. (2008). La rigueur du qualitatif: les contraintes empiriques de l'interprération socio-anthropologique. Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant
RAULIN, A. (2005). Anthropologie urbaine. Paris Armand Colin
Brugère, F., & le Blanc, G. (2020). Le lieu du soin. [The place of cure]. Esprit, Mai(5), 77-85.
Degavre, F. (2011). Le Care, une ressource pour repenser les métiers liés à la défense de la justice et de
l’égalité. Paper presented at the Care et compétences transculturelles, Bruxelles.
Fisher, B., & Tronto, J. (1991). Toward a feminist theory of care. In E. K. Abel & M. K. Nelson (Eds.), Circles of Care : Work and Identity in Women’s Lives. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Fitz, A., Krasny, E., & Wien, A. (2019). Critical Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet: MIT Press.
Gilligan, C. (2008). Une voix différente. Pour une éthique du care. Paris: Flammarion.
Groot, B., Vink, M., Haveman, A., Huberts, M., Schout, G., & Abma, T. (2019). Ethics of care in participatory health research: mutual responsibility in collaboration with co-researchers. Educational Action Research, 27, 286 - 302. 
Laugier, S. (2012). Tous vulnérables?: le care, les animaux et l'environnement. Paris: Payot & Rivages.
Laugier, S. (2015). Care, environnement et éthique globale. [Care, the Environment, and Global Ethics]. Cahiers du Genre, 59(2), 127-152.
Lussault, M. (2018). Porter attention aux espaces de vie anthropocènes. Vers une théorie du spatial care. In Penser l’Anthropocène (pp. 199-218). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
Tronto, J. C. (2008). Du Care. Revue du MAUSS, 2(32), 243-265. 
Tronto, J. (2009). Un monde vulnérable : pour une politique du care. Paris: La Découverte.
Tronto, J. (2012). Le risque ou le care ? Paris Presses Universitaires de France.
Perreault, J., & Bourgault, S. (2015). Le care: éthique féministe actuelle. Montréal: Les éditions du remue-ménage.
Zielinski, A. (2010). L'éthique du care. Une nouvelle façon de prendre soin. [Care Ethics]. Études, 413(12), 631-641.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)

Master [120] in Architecture (Bruxelles)