4.00 crédits
30.0 h
Barbot Baptiste;
Thèmes abordés
Ce cours s'adresse aux thématiques pertinentes a la construction identitaire au cours de la vie entière (approche « life span » ; identité de l'individu, identité relationnelle, identité sociale. On se base sur les théories, et des recherches dans des domaines tels que « identity development », développement de la personnalité, « self psychology », le développement du couple, développement socio-moral, religieux, et spirituel, et le développement du genre, de l'identité sexuelleet de l'orientation sexuelle, en soulignant que la construction du « self » et de l'identité est un quête perpétuelle, dont nous sommes tous impliques, dès le début de la vie jusqu'à la fin.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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Les étudiants auront une meilleure connaissance des approches théoriques et scientifiques a la construction identitaire, mais, et, aussi, des liens possibles à faire par rapport aux conséquences pour leurs métiers éventuels dans leurs rôles de psychologues. AA avalises : A, B, C, E, |
This course addresses critical themes that are relevant to the development of identity throughout the lifespan, using a range of theoretical approaches and a developmental perspective at its core. Building upon classic theories and empirical evidences, it will touch upon a range of topics and “layers” of one’s identity, including dimensions of personal vs. social identity, the development of personality, possible selves, or gender and sexual identity. The course will also discuss new settings for the formation of identity, including technological and social media innovations which greatly shape the way new generations of youth address their developmental task. While doing so, the course will outline the continuous nature of the construction of the self and identity, a lifelong developmental process on which people have agency.
Specific topics (subject to change)
This course addresses critical themes that are relevant to the development of identity throughout the lifespan, using a range of theoretical approaches and a developmental perspective at its core. Building upon classic theories and empirical evidences, it will touch upon a range of topics and “layers” of one’s identity, including dimensions of personal vs. social identity, the development of personality, possible selves, or gender and sexual identity. The course will also discuss new settings for the formation of identity, including technological and social media innovations which greatly shape the way new generations of youth address their developmental task. While doing so, the course will outline the continuous nature of the construction of the self and identity, a lifelong developmental process on which people have agency.
Specific topics (subject to change)
Session | Themes |
S2 | Who am I? – An introduction to the constructs of Self and Identity |
S3 | Identity Development Across the Life Cycle: Key Insights from Lifespan Perspectives. |
S4 | Self-Consciousness and the development of Self-concepts |
S5 | Intersectionality of identity: a focus on gender, sexual, racial/ethnic identities and their interactions |
S6 | Digital identit(ies) and the Self |
S7-S8 | Identity, Integrity, Quest: Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Stage Model of Identity Construction. |
S9-10 | Neo-Eriksonian models. |
S11 | Identity formation as a creative process |
S12 | Migration and European identity |
S13 | The impact of chronic illness on identity formation during adolescence and young adulthood |
S14 | Review / Q & R |
Méthodes d'enseignement
Lectures (incliding guest-lectures)
Group discussions
Class activities
Group discussions
Class activities
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
The evaluation for this course consists of two cumulative parts:
- Individual final examination (60%): a final examination including multiple choice questions / short answers questions touching upon all the knowledge-based content covered in the course, as well as a short case conceptualization (2h).
- Group work (40%): by groups of 2 to 4, students will prepare a maximum 10min video “capsule” (e.g., power point document with recorded audio / video comments) presenting and discussing a topic of their choosing (in agreement with the instructor) relevant to any identity issue (e.g., Religious identity and terrorism; Belgitude)
Autres infos
Avoir suivi les cours de Bac de psychologie du développement.
Mandatory readings will be provided via Moodle and in class. Readings listed here are recommended references to further support the foundations of this course.
- Kroger, J. (2006). Identity development: Adolescence through adulthood. Sage publications.
- Lannegrand-Willems, L. (2014). Chapitre 4. La construction de l’identité. In M. Claes & L. Lannegrand-Willems (Eds.), La psychologie de l’adolescence. Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
- Schwartz, S.J., Luyckx, K., & Vignoles V. L. (eds.). (2011). Handbook of Identity Theory and Research. Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-7988-9.pdf
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge