5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Aust-Gronarz Ina;
Thèmes abordés
The course Sustainable HRM and Leadership focuses on human resource functions in large companies in a globalized world from a sustainability perspective. The approach focuses two roles of Sustainable HRM. First, the role of HRM in making work systems sustainable with the objective on ensuring human sustainability at the workplace and in global supply chains. Second, the role of HRM and leadership in contributing to corporate sustainability and to an overall societal sustainable development. A Sustainable HRM and leadership framework is proposed and HRM strategies and practices of the key areas of HRM are discussed. This course is based on research and insights from diverse fields, including Strategic HRM, Sustainable HRM, Green HRM, organization theory, organizational behavior, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Global Responsible Leadership.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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The course is designed to develop competent and responsible practitioners. It provides students who do not necessarily intend to work in an HR function, with a deep understanding about the importance of people management as a task for all managers and about the complexity of sustainable people management and leadership. At the end of the course, students should be able to:
The course Sustainable HRM and Leadership focuses both on human resource functions in large companies in a globalized world from a sustainability perspective and on HR functions in SMEs. The approach focuses on two roles of Sustainable HRM. First, the role of HRM in making work systems sustainable with the objective on ensuring human sustainability at the workplace and in global supply chains. Second, the role of HRM and leadership in contributing to corporate sustainability and to an overall societal sustainable development. A Sustainable HRM and leadership framework is proposed and HRM strategies and practices are discussed for the key areas of HRM. This course is based on research and insights from diverse fields, including Strategic HRM, Sustainable HRM, Green HRM, organization theory, organizational behavior, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Global Responsible Leadership.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Different teaching methods will be used such as, for example, lecture input, interactive discussions, video analysis, work in duos or small teams in the course, guest speakers and a group project over the duration of the semester ending with a presentation session.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
The assessment of your performance in this course is composed of the following elements:
- Team evaluation: Group work, oral presentations and peer review (continuous evaluation)
- Individual evaluation: Individual reflection paper, course preparations and participation (continuous evaluation)
- The grade obtained for the team evaluation remains, if it is at least 50% of the overall possible team grade.
- The individual reflection paper and course preparation and participation grade is replaced by a written individual exam.
en ligne
en ligne
Available on Moodle: scientific articles and corporate reports.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge