Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
6 credits
45.0 h
Samson Dana; Volckaert Alexandra;
- Presentation of the different decision making steps of neuropsychological rehabilitation
- Activities to apply these different steps to different clinical vignettes (individual work, group work and class discussion)
- Activities to apply these different steps to different clinical vignettes (individual work, group work and class discussion)
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
(1) Plenary sessions that put the emphasis on the conceptual bases, (2) individual and group work on the basis of clinical vignettes, and (3) debates in class.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Oral presentations of group work (60% of the global mark) and written individual work (40% of the global mark).
Other information
Concepts seen in the LPSYS2925 course are assumed to be mastered.
Online resources
Course slides and other materials on Moodle
Facultatif pour approfondir la matière:
- X. Seron & M. Van der Linden (2014). Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l'adulte, Tome 1 : évaluation. De Boeck.
- X. Seron & M. Van der Linden (2016). Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l’adulte, Tome 2 : rééducation. De Boeck.
- S. Majerus, M. Poncelet,. M. Van der Linden, I. Jambaqué & L. Mottron (2020). Traité de neuropsychologie de l'enfant. De Boeck.
Teaching materials
- Moodle
Faculty or entity
Force majeure
Teaching methods
Depending on the sanitary conditions, the courses will be given in the classroom or by teams. The modality that applies is mentioned on Teams.
Evaluation methods
Depending on sanitary conditions, oral presentations will be made in class or by Teams. The modality that applies is specified on Moodle.
The modality of the individual work remains unchanged (homework on Moodle).
The modality of the individual work remains unchanged (homework on Moodle).