Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
22.5 h
Brackelaire Jean-Luc; Lagneaux Séverine (compensates Servais Olivier); Servais Olivier;
The course introduces BAC students of various orientations to the field of cultural and social anthropology (we could also say of Ethnology) from a thematic perspective allowing the student to open up to several major topics of research in the field. These themes are always illustrated by audiovisual documents, texts and accounts of research experiences of the two co-holders of the course. We mainly deal with the following topics: the ethnographic method (ethnographic field survey, participant observation, ethnographic description, etc.); person and kinship; symbolic systems and religions; donation and exchange; nature and the environment; health and healing; exile and migration; techniques; virtual worlds; development and politics.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
As this is an introductory and awareness-raising course, each course session (2 hours per week) is devoted to the presentation of a dimension or a thematic field of the discipline. The oral course is always accompanied by a presentation of research experiences and / or a documentary supporting the theoretical presentation and discussion with the students. To allow the student to enter into the specific and in-depth approach of anthropology, he is asked to read an anthropological monograph to be chosen from a series offered. The chosen monograph also serves as a basis for the student to appropriate the different subjects covered in the course. Given the exceptional situation resulting from the COVID-19 epidemic, the course may alternate face-to-face sessions and remote sessions according to a schedule that will take into account its evolution.
- Diaporamas, textes associés à chaque module, documents accessibles en ligne, monographies.
Teaching materials
- Diaporamas, textes associés à chaque module, documents accessibles en ligne, monographies.
Faculty or entity