Handicap and Rehabilitation

lkine1003  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Handicap and Rehabilitation
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
30.0 h
Detrembleur Christine;
Main themes
The main subjects approached to meet these objectives will be: - Through the world population, study indicators to estimate the health of a population: the factors extrinsic and intrinsic leading to a degeneracy of the health of a population. - In Belgium, study the existing helps for the handicapped persons, i.e. the helps granted by the federal state; by regions (AWIPH-COCOF), by Communities. Evaluation of the health of a population via the indicators of health. What is the process leading to the degradation of the health of a population? What are the factors influencing this process? What is the evolution with court and middle term of the health of the world population? The existing processes in Belgium for landing in a degradation of the health of the handicapped person: - helps granted by the federal State: care of health, allowances, reduction of taxes, VAT, legal helps of the person mental defective - Helps granted by regions (AWIPH or COCOF): individual helps, of help to the daily life, the school guidance and the professional, the vocational training, put in the work in company of adapted work or in normal circuit, reception and residence, the centres of rehabilitation, public transports, the accessibility to the public buildings - Helps granted by communities: Special and integrated education

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 In the term of this credit the student will have a global sight of the possibilities of coverage of the person handicapped by the rehabilitation. The student will arrange a conceptualisation rich in the role that the rehabilitation on the health (OMS model) of a person. He can estimate the health of a population by identifying the factors extrinsic and intrinsic which damage this state. More particularly, he will study the Belgian system of assistant to the handicapped persons
Due to the health crisis (COVID-19), the cursus is exceptionally modified for this year. It is not possible for me to send more than 400 students for observation training. Nevertheless, the course is adapted to keep an interactivity with the students and will take place in a small inverted class. The theory necessary for the work required is available on Moodle and I will inform you of the sites to be consulted. You are free to be curious and to visit other sites.
The aim of the course is to make you discover the world of disability, the helps allowing to decrease the disability,  but asking yourself the question of the impact of the health crisis for any person with a disability. We will also try to better understand this health crisis by looking at epidemiological notions. 
Teaching methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

The course will be given either face-to-face or on TEAMS depending on the instructions received due to the health crisis.
Concretely, the class is divided into 10 inverted class lessons with a theme. Each class will be given by 15 groups of 3 students.
The students will be grouped in groups of 3, working on the requested theme after registering on the link sent via Moodle. On the date of their course, the 45 students (15 groups of 3 students) come to the MONT10 (only these students ) if it is allowing. It is not allowing, the lesson is on TEAMS platfaom. Each group of 3 students has 5 minutes to present their work to me. The presentation can be done via powerpoint, podcast, video, report... as you wish. The presentation cannot exceed 5 minutes.
The 15 presentations of the same course must be installed on the same PC of a student of the course who will be available for the 15 groups. Each student must wash his or her hands with gel (available on the table) before using the PC. If a student shows COVID signs, he or she does not come to the course. He sends me an email before and he joins his group by Whatsapp, teams, skype... from his home.
Evaluation methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

The submission rating is the review rating. It is normally the same for all 3 students in the same group. There are therefore no other subjects to be studied or exams in session. Students who fail will have the opportunity to redo a paper to be submitted to me, either at the end of May or in mid-August, after consulting me about the question to be dealt with.
Other information
Prerequisite: None
Evaluation : continuous evaluation : oral presentation of a project in a team of 3 students
Support: Course notes, powerpoint, Avicq or Phare websites and SPFsanté
Supervision: Holder(s)
Online resources
Full support on moodle
Lecture notes, slides and help documents placed in the "Work Preparation Help Documents directory". 
The instructions are explained in full and in summary in the "Instructions " folder on moodle.
Instructions will be given orally at the first class (or on teams).
Faculty or entity
Force majeure
Teaching methods
All presentations are done on TEAMS until the end of the quadrimester
Evaluation methods
All presentations are done on TEAMS until the end of the quadrimester

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation