Latin Language IV

lglor2240  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Latin Language IV
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Meunier Nicolas;
Main themes
Advanced study of the Latin grammar, prosody and metrics.
This course deals with following issues:
1. In depth study of Latin prosody and verse metres;
2. Fundamental structures of Latin syntax (especially the detailed study of relative clauses);
3. Personal analysis and translation of a Latin poetical text (cursory reading).
The exercises are devoted to prose composition and translation from Latin.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of the course, the student will have a thorough understanding of the principles and the methods of the syntactical description of Latin. He will be able to translate from French into Latin at an advanced level, as well as translate and analyse Latin poetical texts. In order to achieve this goal, he will have mastered the fundamental rules of Latin prosody and metrics (including reading poetical texts with the metrical diction).
Quelques ouvrages de référence (liste non exhaustive) :
Vocabulaire :
  • Meyerson C. et Schouppe G., Index. Manuel de vocabulaire et dictionnaire de latin, 5e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck, 2018.
  • Etienne G., Cahier de vocabulaire latin, 20e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck, 2019.
  • Cauquil G. et Guillaumin J.-Y., Vocabulaire essentiel de latin, Paris : Hachette, 1992.
Grammaire :
  • Boxus A.-M. et Lavency M., Clauis. Grammaire latine pour la lecture des auteurs, 4e éd., Bruxelles : De Boeck & Larcier, 2004.
  • Michel J., Grammaire de base du latin, Anvers : De Sikkel, 1969.
  • Touratier C., Grammaire latine. Introduction linguistique à la langue latine, Paris : Armand-Colin, 2008.
  • De Give M., Grammaire latine, 15e éd., Bruxelles : De Boeck, 2011.
  • Cart A., Grimal P., Lamaison J. et Noiville R., Grammaire latine, nouv. éd., Paris : Nathan, 2007.
  • Ernout A. et Thomas F., Syntaxe latine, 2e éd., Paris : Klincksieck, 2002 [1953].
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines

Master [60] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics

Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics