Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
7.5 h + 10.0 h
Philippette Thibault;
This seminar aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding of tools (microsoft project, kanban, gantt chart ...) and traditional (or agile) project management methodologies used in the world of ICT design. Rather than theoretical presentations, the seminar will give pride of place to speakers from different sectors of activity, who will present the methods and tools they use through their projects' design. The purpose of this seminar is twofold: to awaken students to existing methods and tools, as well as to specific professional realities and constraints and the resulting design choices.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
The teaching method is based on the ex cathedra presentation of tools and techniques by professionals, as well as moments of discussion with students (like "workshops").Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
In case of a "yellow" or "orange" situation, the speakers' presentations will be recorded as podcasts and broadcast on the Moodle platform and the EZCast tool. Students will be asked to prepare relevant questions to be addressed to the speaker, based on the general presentation of the first course and the methodology presented. Some questions will be asked by the teacher when recording the podcast.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
The evaluation is based on the presence and follow-up of the presentations (6 points) and the completion of a final analysis (carried out in pairs) of professional practice and the design tools used (14 points).Situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic
Ongoing evaluation will be based on two things: 1) the preparation of quality questions to be addressed to the presenter and 2) the actual viewing of the video podcast (2 points per video presentation, for a total of 6 points). Warning: if the student formulates a question that is judged superficial (e.g. simple question of precision), poorly documented/justified OR redundant with another question already asked (note: questions will be communicated via the course forum), he/she will only get part of the 6 points.In relation to the work, due to the difficult accessibility of teams in a "yellow" or "orange" pandemic situation, the observation work is replaced by an interview with an ICT project manager completed by an analysis of the tools and methods he/she uses, according to the modalities specified on Moodle (14 points). This work is accompanied by two monitoring sessions with the teacher :
- A first session prior to the interview, in order to validate the choice of the person to be interviewed on the basis of his/her function and the company employing him/her, as well as the interview grid to be used to conduct the interview.
- A second post-interview session, in order to check that the group of students have understood how to fill in the work document headings (structure available on Moodle).
Other information
Resources: presentation materials, useful links and other external resources (reference book, etc.) will be made available to students on the Moodle platform of the course.
English-friendly course
English-friendly course
- Questions: students can ask their questions in English
- Evaluation: students can conduct their interview in English (if the informant speaks English) and the report can be written in English.
Online resources
Faculty or entity