Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h + 20.0 h
Philippette Thibault;
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | The aim of this course is to give the student a base of theoretical skills in the field of the communication. In this way, it joins a logic of specialization following the course of Communication and Information I. The student will be brought to understand the concepts and the methods of the main research currents. Beyond the simple identification of the diverse theories of the communicational approach, the student will be able to place them among the analysis currents of the contemporary world. |
The course provides a systematic and critical review of the essential conceptual components and major founding theories of ICS. It shows the articulations between the theories and the authors of reference (founders) to draw the constitutive lines of ICS, since its origins. The course seeks to embed ICS as a disciplinary and interdisciplinary field within the social sciences and humanities, articulating the discovery of ICS with other courses in the information and communication curriculum, and demonstrating how ICS can play a unifying role within the broad area of humanities and social sciences study.
The course outline is presented in the first session and is available on the course Moodle page.
The course outline is presented in the first session and is available on the course Moodle page.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
The theoretical course is given in the form of ex-cathedra sessions. Under normal circumstances, the course is given in the classroom at the scheduled time and in the room provided by the faculty secretariat.Teaching measures according to the evolution of the health situation (2020-2021 guidelines) - ex-cathedra course
Covid Scenariiyellow scenario | The ex-cathedra course sessions are given in co-modality (part of the audience face-to-face, part remotely) at the scheduled time of the course, with recording and broadcasting via Microsoft Teams. |
Orange scenario | The ex-cathedra course sessions are given remotely via Microsoft Teams at the scheduled time of the course. Several Q&A sessions will be organized during these sessions. |
Teaching measures according to the evolution of the health situation (benchmarks 2020-2021) - TP
Covid ScenariiYellow scenario | The first session, an intermediate session of "debate" type and the last session preparing for the final test (50% of the score of the TP) will be given in the classroom. The other sessions are organized remotely via Microsoft Teams. The practical details will be specified by the assistants via Moodle. |
Orange scenario | Depending on the size of the audience for the practical sessions, the face-to-face sessions can be maintained (see yellow scenario) or will have to be switched to remote mode if there is not enough room in the audience. The conditions in case of an orange situation will be specified at the beginning of the course following the assigned rooms. |
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
For the course: written exam, including open, semi-open or closed questions on the material seen in the course, as well as a selection of additional reading material accessible via Moodle.
Evaluation of teaching according to the evolution of the health situation (2020-2021 situation) - ex cathedra course
Covid scenariiYellow scenario | The written exam is organized in audience(s) allowing for social distancing to be maintained. The exams are then scanned and the correction of the exam is done via the Gradescope software. |
Orange scenario | The written exam is organized online via the Gradescope software (Online Asignment). |
Evaluation of teaching according to the evolution of the health situation (2020-2021 situation) - TP
For the students concerned by the TP, it is worth 40% of the final grade and the exam 60%. It cannot be remedied during the session. This means that the students of block 1 who would not have followed the TP will have zero for the TP part in their first session.In the August session, only the mark of their written exam will be taken into account.
For students not concerned by the TP, the exam is worth 100% of the mark in June (session 2), and September (session 3) in case of failure in June.
Other information
The course does not have a syllabus but is made up of a set of presentation materials and resources accessible on the course's Moodle platform (text portfolio, exercises and quizzes, etc.). The content presented orally is part of the course material and the student must therefore ensure that he/she is up to date on the material presented.
Online resources
- O. Aïm, & S. Billiet (coord.) (2015), Communication, Paris : Dunod.
- D. Bougnoux (2001 [1998]), Introduction aux sciences de la communication, Paris : La Découverte (coll. Repères).
- P. Breton, & S. Proulx (2006 [2002]), L'explosion de la Communication: Introduction aux théories et aux pratiques de la communication, Paris : La Découverte (coll. Repères).
- Y. Jeanneret (2011 [2000]), Y a-t-il (vraiment) des technologies de l'information ?, Paris : Septentrion.
- J. Lohisse (1998), Les systèmes de communication : approche socio-anthropologique, Paris : Armand Colin.
- A. & M. Mattelart (1995 [1977]), Histoire des théories de la Communication, Paris : La Découverte (coll. Repères).
- E. Maigret (2015 [2003]), Sociologie de la Communication et des Médias, Paris : Armand Colin.
- J.-P. Meunier, & D. Peraya (2010 [1997]), Introduction aux théories de la communication, Bruxelles : De Boeck Supérieur.
- Y. Winkin (dir.) (2000 [1981]), La nouvelle Communication, Paris : Ed. du Seuil.
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