Physical chemistry II

lchm2150  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Physical chemistry II
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
6 credits
45.0 h + 10.0 h
Hautier Geoffroy; Leyssens Tom;
Main themes
A detailed study of the properties of matter and molecules is presented and completed by a discussion of chemical reactivity models. Teachers will place emphasis on microscopic versus macroscopic properties connecting both approaches through a statistical point of view.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The course aims to guide students in completing their knowledge in physical chemistry and to apply it to concrete cases. A systematic presentation completes the education of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics acquired during the bachelor's degree.
The class has two major topics, taught respectiveley by Tom Leyssens and Geoffroy Hautier. The part of T. Leyssens focuses on crystal engineering, crystal growth and crystallization, more specifically looking at the concepts of polymorphism, chiral resolution and salt/co-crystallization using physico-chemical principles applied to crystallization.
The part of G. Hautier ....
Teaching methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

This course is a 5 Credit course consisting of 45h of classes given during the first term.
Slides or available on Moodle and are obligatory. Further information and books can be recommendeed by the professors.
Evaluation methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

A written exam takes place in January. During the exam, the student is able to reproduce the theory that is considered during the course, as well as to apply the course material to solve practical problems. The exam will cover all the chapters that are treated in the course.
The respective parts of Profs. Leyssens and Hautier count for 50% each.

A similar type of evaluation is organized in september
Online resources
slides available on moodle
Teaching materials
  • Slides on moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Chemistry

Master [60] in Chemistry