Place-based approach and innovative local public action

madpu2233  2019-2020  Mons

Place-based approach and innovative local public action
Note du 29 juin 2020
Sans connaitre encore le temps que dureront les mesures de distances sociales liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, et quels que soient les changements qui ont dû être opérés dans l’évaluation de la session de juin 2020 par rapport à ce que prévoit la présente fiche descriptive, de nouvelles modalités d’évaluation des unités d’enseignement peuvent encore être adoptées par l’enseignant ; des précisions sur ces modalités ont été -ou seront-communiquées par les enseignant·es aux étudiant·es dans les plus brefs délais.
5 crédits
15.0 h
Leloup Fabienne; Reuchamps Min (supplée Leloup Fabienne);
Thèmes abordés
Local government, public policy: specificities and contemporary evolutions:
  • The renewal of the local government’s power
  • Cases in Europe and out of the European Union
  • Decentralization, local government and local governance
Place-based approaches versus place-neutral approaches
  • From the European policy to a critical view
Social innovations and other innovative local public actions:
  • How local government and local communities innovate for solving public problems
  • Social and territorial innovations
Local government can be defined as a form of public administration or authority determining or executing measures within a restricted area inside a state. The degree of local government or self-government depends on the countries. A set of lessons is based on pointing out these specificities & the evolutions that the local level of government has known since several decades. It is based on literature review.
Another set of lessons is founded on innovative experiences and place-based approaches. Based on a qualitative case study developed by students, it begins with the concrete analysis of the selected real situation and induces general lessons in terms of organization, social system, inclusiveness or livability, as compared with other documented innovative experiences.
Local government, public policy: specificities and contemporary evolutions:
  • The renewal of the local government’s power
  • Cases in Europe and out of the European Union
  • Decentralization, local government and local governance
Place-based approaches versus place-neutral approaches
  • From the European policy to a critical view
Social innovations and other innovative local public actions:
  • How local government and local communities innovate for solving public problems
  • Social and territorial innovations
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en administration publique