Scale 1/1

ltarc2167  2018-2019  Tournai

Scale 1/1
3 credits
45.0 h
Godyns Jan;
Main themes
This teaching unit is designed to reduce the gap between knowledge, research and the practice of construction through the use of materials. The activities focus particularly on materials themselves, construction materials which are derived from them, mixtures and assemblies to create an experimental and technical research laboratory on the scale of 1:1.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


Specific learning outcomes:

By the end of this teaching unit, students are able to

  • assess construction materials with a greater understanding of their basic properties.
  • use materials in a creative and innovative way in construction.
  • make the link between materials and architecture to give meaning to the act of exploration.

Contribution to the learning outcomes reference network:

With regard to the Learning Outcomes Reference Framework of the Master¿s degree in Architecture, this teaching contributes to the development, acquisition and assessment of the following learning outcomes:

Test an artistic approach

  • To take a deliberate step from an uncertain beginning by assembling pre-existing concepts that are both first diffuse and heterogeneous, to reach a proposal that others can comprehend

Adopt a professional attitude

  • Test and observe the framework of professional practice and to architectural knowledge through independent involvement

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
ODIN, Françoise, THUDEROZ, Christian (2010). Des mondes bricolés? Art et sciences à l'épreuve de la notion de bricolage. Italie : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
SENNETT, Richard (2008). Ce que sait la main. La culture de l'artisanat. Paris : Albin Michel
SIGAUT, François (2012). Comment Homo devint faber. Paris : CNRS Editions
BOUDON, Philippe (1971). Sur l'espace architecturale. Essai d'épistémologie de l'architecture. Paris : Dunod
BOUDON, Philippe, DESHAYES, Philippe (1979). Viollet-Le-Duc - Le dictionnaire d'architecture: relevés et observations. Bruxelles : Pierre Mardaga
PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS (2011). Jean-Marie. Architecture - description et vocabulaire méthodique. Paris : Editions du patrimoine
BOUDON, Philippe, ouvrage coordonné par- (1991). De l'architecture à l'épistémologie. La question de l'échelle. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France
BERTHOZ, Alain (2009). La simplexité. Paris : Odile Jacob Sciences
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Architecture (Bruxelles)

Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)