English for Computer Scientists

langl1372  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

English for Computer Scientists
3 credits
30.0 h
Piwnik Marc coordinator;
LANGL1372 has a receptive and productive component:
  • text study, using scanning and other reading techniques
  • detailed understanding of video programmes in a language laboratory according to the rhythm of each student
  • oral class presentation in groups of 3 or 4
  • vocabulary and language structures are practised and developed via speaking activities
Teaching methods
Learning takes place in context on the basis of authentic texts and videos.
Reading and listening comprehension are exploited orally and in writing.
Speaking is exercised via talks in groups.
Vocabulary and structures are revised both orally and in writing.
The teaching unit takes place mainly face to face.
Basic grammar mistakes are revised on the Moodle platform.
Evaluation methods
Placement test: at the beginning of the academic year, all students must take a placement test, of the same level as the final exam.
The students who obtain 12/20 or more at this test may be exempted from the course but not from the final written exam. All students must take the final written exam.
Final exam (June session): the final written exam is compulsory and will check whether the objectives concerning listening comprehension and vocabulary have been reached.
The final written exam represents 70% of the total mark.
Continuous assessment: continuous assessment will take into account regular class attendance and personal work as well as active participation in group work and in class activities. Continuous assessment will focus primarily on students' oral work. Oral presentations will be made either individually or in a group and must be related to computing topics.
Continuous assessment accounts for 30% of the total mark. Continuous assessment will be taken into account in June only.
September exam: the September exam will check whether the objectives concerning listening comprehension and vocabulary have been reached.
Only the mark of the exam will be taken into account. Continuous assessment will not be taken into account in September.
Other information
Teacher available at least one hour a week during office hours.
Syllabus LANGL1372 (disponible à l'ILV). Obligatoire.
A partir du portail UCL, sur Moodle UCL, le cours LANGL1372: Anglais pour informaticiens.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in Computer Science