5 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Frankfort Aline;
Designed for minor "Entrpreneurship" this course requires no prerequisites
Main themes
Part One: creative thinking - Strengthen the "Serious Creativity" as an attitude and individual/collective capacity
- Definitions and links between creativity and innovation
- The needs of creative thinking
- Barriers to creative thinking
The brain-
- Structures "liberating" of creativity
Part Two: Innovation in Action - Successfully articulate Creativity and Innovation
-To feel and understand the link between the two disciplines: Creativity and Innovation
- Understand the importance of human and organizational context
- Approaching new forms of innovation
- Articulate a relevant strategy and innovation,
- Implementation and Innovation
- Definitions and links between creativity and innovation
- The needs of creative thinking
- Barriers to creative thinking
The brain-
- Structures "liberating" of creativity
Part Two: Innovation in Action - Successfully articulate Creativity and Innovation
-To feel and understand the link between the two disciplines: Creativity and Innovation
- Understand the importance of human and organizational context
- Approaching new forms of innovation
- Articulate a relevant strategy and innovation,
- Implementation and Innovation
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | At the end of this course, students
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
This course complements academic training often focused on developing critical and analytical abilities. It gives students the opportunity to acquire skills in effective and creative thinking. The course links theory and practice exponentially to facilitate understanding of concepts and the introduction of competency development.
Teaching methods
A mix of theory and interactive individual/group exercises enhanced by examples from practice.
Evaluation methods
- Individual practice and interdisciplinary teams practice
- Visual presentation and oral defense of an "idea activity / service creation
Manuel didactique fourni par l'enseignant/expert
Faculty or entity