Chemistry and Physical Chemistry 2

lfsab1302  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

Chemistry and Physical Chemistry 2
5 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Jeanmart Hervé; Proost Joris;
The prerequisite for this course are the basic notions on chemistry and chemical physics taught in the course LFSAB1301. It requires also a good knowledge of differentials (differentiable functions, exact differentials, partial derivatives, etc.) and integrals.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The course is built around four topics: the notion of an ideal gas seen from an empirical point of view and through the kinetic gas theory. The first (closed and open systems) and the second principles of thermodynamics that formalise in a rigorous mathematical way concepts such as energy conservation, order and disorder, and free energy. Chemical equilibrium is then introduced to illustrate the power of thermodynamics. Applied to chemical reactions and single component phase transformations, these thermodynamic concepts allow as well to understand and study phenomenon such as of solubility, precipitation, redox equilibrium and electrochemical reactions. Finally, chemical kinetics is exposed to introduce the concepts of reaction rate, order of a reaction, activation energy and to unravel the molecular origin of specific reaction mechanisms.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


Contribution of the course to the program objectives

LO 1.1, 1.2 et 1.3

LO 3.1

LO 4.2

LO 5.6


Specific learning outcomes of the course

A the end of the activity, the student should be able to :

  •  apply, in simple theoretical developments and applications, the law and the properties of ideal gases including the concepts related to the kinetic gas theory ;
  • define and apply in exercises related to open or closed systems, the first principle of thermodynamic for systems of constant composition ;
  • define mathematically and apply the concept of entropy in relation with heat exchanges. In particular, the student should be able to expose and use the consequences of the existence of entropy on thermodynamic cycles.
  • apply the principles of thermodynamics to systems with a variable composition, hence extending the use(fulness) of Gibbs free energy changes to describe chemical equilibrium for various chemical reactions and single component phase changes ;
  • understand the concept of chemical potential and activity ;
  • derive the constitutive equations describing electrochemical equilibrium (Nernst) from the ones underlying chemical equilibrium ;
  • describe and calculate the state of a redox reaction in an electrochemical cell, as well as the impact of different parameters on the electromotive force ;
  • explain the concept of reaction rate and order, in relation to an underlying reaction mechanisms for a number of elementary reactions ;
  • understand the intimate link between chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium, based on concepts like transition-state-theory and quasi-stationarity.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
  • Ideal gases and kinetic theory of gases
  • Complements on the first principle of thermodynamics
  • First principle for open systems
  • Second principle of thermodynamics
  • Chemical equilibrium, chemical potential and activity
  • Single component phase transformations
  • Redox reactions and electrochemistry
  • Chemical kinetics
Teaching methods
The course is organised in twelve theoretical lessons, ten exercise sessions, and two laboratories. 
Evaluation methods
a.      Disciplinary learning outcomes
The evaluation is based on a written examination. The questions are chosen to assess the learning outcomes defined for the teaching activity.  The examination evaluates both the knowledge of the theoretical concepts and the capacity to solve exercises similar to those solved during the teaching activities.
An intermediate evaluation is organised to assess students' knowledge on a fraction of the contents of the course. The mark obtained at the intermediate evaluation counts for one third of the final mark if that mark is higher than the mark obtained at the final examination.
b.      Transversal learning outcomes
The LO 3.1, LO 4.2 and LO 5.6 are evaluated through the preparation of a report linked to practical laboratory sessions. The mark from this activity contributes to the final mark.
Online resources
Les documents du cours sont:
  •  un syllabus complet et détaillé ;
  • la copie des transparents présentés lors des cours magistraux ;
  • des podcasts des explications de certaines parties du cours ;
  • les énoncés et solutions des exercices proposés aux séances ;
  • les énoncés et instructions pour les laboratoires ;
  • des listes de questions tests d'autoévaluation de la compréhension de certaines parties du cours ;
  • une liste de symboles ;
  • le formulaire distribué avec les questions d'examen ;
  • un tableau de données thermodynamiques ;
  • les réponses aux questions d'exercice des examens.
 Ces documents du cours sont disponibles sur moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in Engineering