Work of end of first cycle

LHORI1399  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Work of end of first cycle
5.0 credits
1 + 2q

Online resources

- Vade mecum for DBC HORI
- Evaluation of the DBC HORI



Main themes

It consist of a work with strictly defined limits, the presentation, translation and commentary on a text (or group of texts), which have been studied in their original language, on a theme chosen by the student  (literature, history, religion, ...) or suggested by the promoter.


The dissertation for the end of the Bachelor cycle is an important stage in the introduction to personal research. It must demonstrate the aptitude of its author to correctly present the results of a personal piece of work, that is both objective and methodical.  Similar to the other forms of learning, the dissertation is an essential component of the programme to which it belongs.

The dissertation at the end of the Bachelor cycle enables the student to:
- define a subject within a narrow range;
- carry out a bibliographical research  and collect data with the aid of the research tools specific to the discipline;
- organise, analyse and interpret the data using the appropriate methodology;
- prepare a text of a university level, which requires the use of the correct level of language, an appropriate terminology, clarity and relevance in the structure, coherent presentation of the arguments and a rigorous use of bibliographical references.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

The promoter will evaluate the dissertation end of Bachelor cycle, taking  account of the aptitude to put into practice the specific desired competences.

cf. Evaluation of the DBC HORI :

There is no oral defence of the dissertation.

Teaching methods



The dissertation for the end of the Bachelor cycle is made up of:
- a short introduction presenting the text, or the corpus of texts and the researched theme;
- a personal translation of ancient text or texts in an Oriental language;
- a structured  and reasoned commentary highlighting the contribution the text or texts makes to the theme which they deal with;
- a critical apparatus correctly drawn up and a bibliography.

The promoter (or supervisor) will assist  the student to improve his research method, his bibliography, the editing and the layout of his work (explanation on the use of word processors) and the presentation of a title page.

The main body of the dissertation for the end of Bachelor cycle, excluding the bibliography, the illustrations and the appendices should be between 20 and 25 pages (that is between 40.000 and 50.000 characters).

Cf Vade mecum for DBC HORI :



Other information

The subject must be specified by November 1, with the agreement of the promoter.

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Letters: Oriental Studies