The course is constructed around an analysis framework including three distinct dimensions but which are in interaction :
· The context enables to understand the emergence and the current development of the HRM function and practices ;
- The strategy illustrates the relation between the context, the business strategy and the definition of an HRM policy ;
- HRM policies introduce to major HRM systems, both in their concrete modalities and in their individual and organizational issues
The student will be able to :
- Identify the HRM policies to address issues of organizational behavior, in a given context ;
- Develop a critical analysis of a situation of HR management in systemic and strategic terms and, identify its influence on behaviors within organization ;
- Apprehend the techniques and methods of HRM that support the conduct and development of individuals and teams within organization
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
- Written exam
- Case study
Lectures, presentations and also debates with professionals
Case study within an organization in groups of 4 to 5
- TASKIN L. et DIETRICH A. (2016), Management humain. Pour une approche renouvelée de la gestion des ressources humaines et du comportement organisationnel, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
- AUBERT N. et al. (1992), Management, aspects humains et organisationnels, Paris : P.U.F.
- CADIN L., GUERIN F., PIGEYRE F. (2007), Gestion des Ressources Humaines: Pratique et éléments de théorie, Paris: Dunod
KNIGHTS D., WILLMOTT H. (2007), Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management, London: Thomson.