Entrepreneurial finance

LLSMS2014  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Entrepreneurial finance
5.0 crédits
30.0 h

Grégoire Philippe; Funhoff Axel (supplée Grégoire Philippe);
Basic course/knowledge in corporate finance
Eu égard au référentiel des acquis d'apprentissage AA du programme, cette activité contribue au développement et à l'acquisition des AA suivants:
  • 1. Agir en acteur socialement responsable 1.1. 'porter un regard critique et réflexif ' 1.2. Décider et agir en intégrant des valeurs éthiques, humanistes ,' 1.3. Décider et agir de manière responsable ' 2. Maîtrise des savoirs 2.1. Maîtriser un socle de savoirs ' 2.2. Maîtriser des savoirs hautement spécialisés ' 2.3. Articuler des savoirs issus de différents domaines 2.4. Activer et appliquer des savoirs' 3. Appliquer une démarche scientifique 3.1. Mener un raisonnement analytique' 3.4. Synthétiser avec discernement ' faire preuve d'abstraction conceptuelle ' 3.5. Dégager' des solutions implémentables' 4. Innover et entreprendre 4.2. Entreprendre, développer et concrétiser ses idées en un nouveau projet' 5. Agir en contexte multiculturel et international 5.1. Comprendre le fonctionnement interne d'une entreprise' 5.2. Situer ' ce fonctionnement dans son contexte socio-économique' 5.3. Comprendre et positionner son rôle personnel et son champ d'action ' 8. Communiquer 8.1. Exprimer un message de façon claire et structurée'

La contribution de cette UE au développement et à la maîtrise des compétences et acquis du (des) programme(s) est accessible à la fin de cette fiche, dans la partie « Programmes/formations proposant cette unité d’enseignement (UE) ».

Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
The final grade will consist of two parts. The first one will be based on short essays and class presentation of relevant case studies. The second part will be an individual essay on a topic on entrepreneurial finance that students can select themselves. There will be no written exam. However, students need to present their topic to the instructor during the exam session. This will take the form of an oral exam, which will cover the topic of the individual essay as well as any material covered in class that pertains in one way or another to the selected topic. Case studies will be done in small groups (the size of groups will depend on the number of registered students). Groups have to be formed before the end of the second week. Students have to hand in a written report on some of the cases. Reports should be typed (with a maximum of 3 pages for each report ' any additional material should be put in Appendix if relevant) and handed in personally; you cannot hand it in through e-mail. Only one report is needed for each group. Make sure that all names and student numbers are on the front page of the reports. When presentations are done, a copy of PowerPoint presentations must be provided to the instructor (printed handout at the day of presentation, and before your presentation). For deadlines, see the detailed Lecture Plan provided below.
In this course, we discuss various forms of financing available to new ventures, present the structure of financial contracts, as well as provide the student with an introduction to valuation methods. A significant part of the course will deal with venture capital and business angel finance. Real-world case studies on entrepreneurial finance will be discussed during the course. Students are expected to participate actively in discussions. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to, the following areas: - Sources of financing for start-ups - Valuation methods for new ventures - Security Design and contracting - Venture capital cycle: investment - monitoring and advising - divestment - Special topics: e.g. corporate venturing, international perspectives of venture capital finance Note that this course is not a course on entrepreneurship but one on entrepreneurial finance. Therefore, the course will not cover topics such as management and organization of entrepreneurial companies nor how to write business plans. Rather it will focus on the financial aspects of entrepreneurial firms.
Autres infos
Internationalisation - international content (does the course tackle international issues related to the course content ?) - international case study Corporate features - case study - corporate guest
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en ingénieur de gestion

Master [120] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en ingénieur de gestion

Master [120] en administration publique