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Deontology of the judicial professions [ LIURE2207 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) De Baerdemaeker Robert ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources

Documents que les étudiants peuvent emporter à l'examen :

les étudiants peuvent apporter l'ensemble des documents mis à leur disposition, leurs notes et tous autres documents qu'ils pourraient souhaiter.

Main themes Part one: Deontology and professional ethics. General. In part one, the course will: deal with deontology in its relationship with ethics, procedural law and disciplinary law; and examine certain questions of principle. By way of example: deontology and the right for professional bodies to lay down standards; professional fairness; conflicts of values; professional privilege; impartiality; relations with the press, etc. Part two: Deontology of the judicial professions. 1. Deontology of the Bar 2. Deontology of the other judicial professions: - judges - bailiffs/ushers - notaries public - clerks of the court.
Aims The purpose of this course is to give general training about deontology while preparing students for professional practice. The course aims to provide general theoretical and practical training about the ethics of the various judicial professions. Particular attention is paid to the deontology of the Bar. This course works towards a coherent ultimate goal. The lecturers on the courses towards this ultimate goal form a teaching team: they consult beforehand about the content and methods of each course in order to ensure that they are complementary. To the extent possible, and taking account of the number of students registered, the course relies on participative teaching methods. The lecturer illustrates his course with examples, and encourages students to apply their newly-acquired knowledge to practical situations.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Law
Faculty or entity
in charge

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