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Evaluation des charges du travail (physique, mentale, psychique) [ LGRBE2203 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Schepens Bénédicte ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Notions of workload and underlying concepts Physical load - Physiology of effort : cardiovascular and muscular aspects - Basic concepts of biomechanics as applied to the spinal column and upper limbs - Musculoskeletal problems of the vertebral column : pathogenic mechanisms, epidemiology, risk factors and assessment methods in the workplace - RSI in the upper limbs (tendonitis, carpal canal syndrome) - How to encourage companies to adopt policies which combine prevention with looking after these problems? Mental and psychological load : Nyssen, A S and Etienne, A M Psychosocial load : covered by Hansez, I and Leroy, J F in GRBE2004
Aims To enable students to understand the concepts underlying the notion of workload (relationship between performance and capacity, constraints, obligations and perceived load etc.). For each of these areas, to identify the mechanisms by which the workload can, in the short and medium term, have an impact on fatigue, performance or health. By the end of the module, students will be familiar with various assessment methods which can be used in the workplace and will be able to prioritize them appropriately in the context of a risk assessment.
Content To enable students to understand the concepts underlying the notion of workload (relationship between performance and capacity, constraints, obligations and perceived load etc.). For each of these areas, to identify the mechanisms by which the workload can, in the short and medium term, have an impact on fatigue, performance or health. By the end of the module, students will be familiar with various assessment methods which can be used in the workplace and will be able to prioritize them appropriately in the context of a risk assessment. Course description (main themes) Notions of workload and underlying concepts Physical load - Physiology of effort : cardiovascular and muscular aspects - Basic concepts of biomechanics as applied to the spinal column and upper limbs - Musculoskeletal problems of the vertebral column : pathogenic mechanisms, epidemiology, risk factors and assessment methods in the workplace - RSI in the upper limbs (tendonitis, carpal canal syndrome) - How to encourage companies to adopt policies which combine prevention with looking after these problems?
Other information Teaching methods Topic-based presentations from expert lecturers. One or more case studies, requiring active participation from students. Assessment methods Examination in January on a real case study (company with an RSI issue or excessive workload. Students select the kind of investigation they wish to carry out, the time strategy and the methodological aids. Written assignment and oral defence before two examiners from the different lecturers.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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