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English : reading and listening comprehension of texts in Bioengineering [ LANGL1881 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Meirlaen Sandrine (compensates Druant Isabelle) ; Gouverneur Céline ; Druant Isabelle (coordinator) ; Sonck Annick ;
Language English
of the course
Online resources

> https://moodleucl.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=130

Main themes

The studied themes are connected with Earth Sciences, current environmental issues and general scientific topics.


At the end of the course, students should have developed the following skills:

Reading comprehension

Reading and understanding of authentic scientific texts about bioengineering.

B1-B2 level of the « Common European Framework of References for Languages »

Listening comprehension

Listening and understanding of general and scientific television programmes.

B1 level of the « Common European Framework of References for Languages »

Evaluation methods
  • Q1 exemption test :12/20 exempts the students from both
  • Written exam on reading and listening skills
  • Continuous assessment : test during the course of the term and Moodle exercises.
Teaching methods
  • Home-reading of the documents which will be covered in class in order to develop reading strategies.
  • In class, checking of the student's reading strategies as well as analysis and comments.
  • Discourse cohesion, recurrent grammatical structures and additional lexical and grammatical difficulties
  • Listening comprehension : various language laboratory exercises to ensure a thorough understanding to the message and individual coaching in lanagueg laboratory.
  • Reading comprehension: Articles from the New Scientist, Scientific American etc. as well as extracts from the textbook 'Understanding Earth' covered in the Bac 1 Earth Sciences course.
  • Listening comprehension : BBC science programmes
  • Course notes
  • E-learning with Moodle
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Bioengineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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