Industrial Relations in Europe (in English) [ LLSMS2063 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Léonard Evelyne ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The course successively examines the following questions :
- what is it about? Definitions of industrial relations and major theoretical perspectives
- who are the players? Introduction to players and institutions of industrial relations;
- what are the challenges? Analysis of the major challenges related to globalisation, European integration, multinational companies, transformations of work, etc.
- in Belgium, and elsewhere? Comparative approach of industrial relations systems.
Aims |
At the end of the course, students must be able to
- identify and understand the players, their action and the structures of industrial relations in Europe,
- approach industrial relations systems in a comparative way and at European level,
- understand and analyse the role of industrial relations institutions in human resource management at company level,
- analyse the current challenges in industrial relations.
Content |
The course combines lectures, group presentations, individual and group research work, conferences by external speakers. It requires students active participation.
See above 'scope of the activity'
In-class activities
X Lectures
X Interactive seminar
X Project based learning
X other
At home activities
X Readings to prepare the lecture
X Paper writing
X Students presentation
Other information |
Evaluation :
Evaluation is on group presentations and a final paper.
Support :
Powerpoint presentation accessible to students on iCampus
References :
References are distributed during the class
X CEMS course
X international content (does the course tackle international issues related to the course content ?)
X international guests
Corporate features
X conference
X presentation skills
X writing skills
X team work
X time management
X project management
X critical thinking
X assertiveness
Techniques and tools for teaching and learning
X Internet work
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Human Resources Management
> Master [120] in Management
> Master 120 of arts in Business engineering
> Master 120 in Management
Faculty or entity in charge |
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