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Cultural mediation of knowledge in history: theoretical approach and practical application [ LHIST2420 ]

10.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Zelis Guy ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources




Main themes

The theoretical training aims at the development of a scientific and methodologic competence in cultural mediation of knowledge in history. Students are introduced into the theories and the empirical knowledge produced by the different disciplines that have showed interest in the public communication of history.

The practical training aims at the development of specialised competences in mediatic writing by proposing several exercises applied to different modes and forms of communication of history.


Introduce the students to different forms of cultural communication of knowledge in history by means of an overview and an analysis of the modes of action of historians in the public space (cultural politics and actions, media, social and educational sector, commemorations, political and legal uses)

Evaluation methods

Acquirement of the theoretical knowledge and permanent evaluation based on the exercises made by the students.

Teaching methods

An alternation of theoretical lines, comparative analysis of historical texts and messages made for different publics and practical exercises based on historical questions. The proposed exercises will aim at the writing and the lay out of communicational articles, the development and the recording of audiovisual sequences, the development and the organisation of guided tours on heritage sites.


This course is an introduction to the specificity of the intellectual synthezising approach to cultural mediation of knowledge in history, the technical requirements and the methods of written, oral, audiovisual and other communication of scientific knowledge in history.

Content : introduction to communicational writing, to audiovisual writing, specifically the writing of commentaries on brief sequences of film archives, introduction to oral expression and the use of audiovisual material, visit of heritage sites, '



Other information

The lecturer uses the contribution of historians working in cultural communication of knowledge in history.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
Faculty or entity
in charge

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