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Français - Niveau autonome (C1) - "Le français par le cinéma" [ LFRAN1501 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Hermant Vincianne (compensates Renard Christine) ; Renard Christine ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes
Cinema and its various genres, Francophone literature, humour and how it works, French-language songs, various points of grammar (present and past participles, tense agreements, the passive, the subjunctive, connectors, conditions, aims, opposition, concession, figures of speech, language registers etc)
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
  • Listen
    Understand a long piece of even unstructured spoken French, and easily understand TV programs and films
  • Read
    - Understand long and complex texts. Understand specialised articles.
    - Speak fluently
    - Present clear and detailed descriptions of complex subjects, structure their presentation and conclude appropriately
    - Take part ina a conversation
    - Not be looking for words. Express their opinions with precision.
  • Write
    Express themselves in writing in a structured way, developing their point of view. Write an essay or report.
Evaluation methods
During the semester (40%)
The four writing assignments during the semester (10%)
The oral exercises (10%)
A group oral presentation (10%)
A language test (grammar and tenses) two-thirds through the semester (10%)
Exam (60%)
3 listening files (multiple choice), 1 document of 1500 to 2000 words to read (multiple choice), 1 text to write (setting out and defending a point of view), delivery of a clear and well structured oral presentation (expressing a point of view with justification and relevant examples and expressed in a nuanced way.
Teaching methods
In this course, the students at various times listen, read, learn vocabulary, revise grammar, make presentations, and debate. They will be required to write a number of texts over the weeks:
  • a critique of a specialised site
  • a free topic
  • a report of a scientific lecture
  •  a book review
Certain projects, such as a film presentation, will be prepared in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams of students.
Specific points of an advanced level will be dealt with: humour, improvisation, figures of style, puns. The three chanels of learning (visual, auditory, kinetic) will be called on using a variety of activities.
Through various themes the students discover the mutual relations between francophone and other cultures. This takes place by means of literature, song and cinema.
Alter Ego Niveau 5, Cahier de perfectionnement, C1- C2, éd. Hachette (available the bookshop Agora in Louvain-la-Neuve (with Key)
Writing, levels C1/C2 of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages, Atelier FLE, Didier.
Various novels (to choose from a list proposed by the teacher)
Other information
This course is situated on level C1 of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages.
Class size:
A group of 15 students
The teacher is available during her office hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Second Language
Faculty or entity
in charge

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