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Philosophy and anthropology : an introduction [ LTARC1141 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Salembier Chloé ; Roose Marie-Clotilde ;
Language French
of the course

Fluent oral and written practice of French.

Main themes

1) Philosophy and anthropology : Origins and trends
2) Questions on ethics, politics and aesthetics
3) The (in-)finite definition of architecture
4) Anthropological fondements of Observation and representation
5) Cosmologies : Definitions and applications


At the conclusion of this teaching, students will be able to :
- Understand the fundamental contribution by the philosophy and anthropology to the discipline of architecture
- Master the vocabulary, the concepts, the great lines of the evolution of philosophy and anthropology set in their cultural and socio-historical context
- Develop critical (and self-critical) questioning, sharpen their reflexive looking into practices and actual experiences thanks to the confrontation with the theory
- Participate in the discovery of original texts and the updating of the bibliography
- Pratise dialectics on ethical questions inherent in architectural pratice. Encourage the ethical drafting of an « in-between » thought, disciplines and pratices
- Identify different ways of inhabiting the world

Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Architecture(Tournai)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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