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Stratégie d'utilisation de l'imagerie médicale et de la biologie clinique [ WMED2331 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  16.5 h  

Teacher(s) Coche Emmanuel ; Geubel André ; Lecouvet Frédéric ; Lefebvre Chantal ; Fellah Latifa ; Clapuyt Philippe ; Danse Etienne (coordinator) ; Leconte Isabelle ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Evaluation methods

Written exam

Content The course addresses the theoretical elements used for evaluating diagnostic tests : concepts of reference, relativity, range of normality, sensitivity and specificity, predictive value, bayesian analysis, decision-making, cost-efficacy analysis. These concepts are illustrated by exemples taken from the fields of medical imaging and clinical biology, in the context of common clinical syndromes. The course also includes an analysis of the strategies of prescription of diagnostic procedures based on the recommandations of the European Community and the Amercian College de Radiology. This course is actually a complement to the course of semiology and to the clinics dispensed during MED21.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Biomedicine
> Master [240] in Medecine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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