Laboratory of Neural Differentiation (NEDI)

Animal Molecular and Cellular Biology (AMCB)

Last update :

June 2022

Selected publications

Generation and characterization of a tamoxifen-inducible Vsx1-CreERT2 line to target V2 interneurons in the mouse developing spinal cord

Baudouin C., Pelosi B. (equal contribution), Courtoy G.E., Achouri Y. and Clotman F. (2021)

Genesis, e23435 (pdf file)

Differentiation and localization of interneurons in the developing spinal cord depends on DOT1L expression

Gray de Cristoforis A., Ferrari F., Clotman F. and Vogel T. (2020)

Molecular Brain, 13(1):85 (pdf file)

Design logic of molecular and spatial cellular attributes during hypothalamus development

Romanov R.A., Tretiakov E.O., Zupancic M., Kastriti M.E., Korchynska S., Rebernik P., Clotman F., Andrews W.D., Parnavelas J.D., Farlik M., Bock., Adameyko I., Hökfelt T., Keimpema E. and Harkany T. (2020)

Nature, 582(7811):246-252 (pdf file)     

Onecut-dependent Nkx6.2 transcription factor expression is required for proper formation and activity of spinal locomotor circuits

Toch M., Harris A., Schakman O., Kondratskaya E., Boulland J.L., Dauguet N., Debrulle S., Baudouin C., Hidalgo-Figueroa M., Gow A., Glover J.C., Tissir F. and Clotman F. (2020)

Scientific Reports, 10(1):996 (pdf file)

Vsx1 and Chx10 paralogs sequentially secure V2 interneuron identity during spinal cord development

Debrulle S., Baudouin C., Hidalgo-Figueroa M., Pelosi B., Francius C., Rucchin V., Ronellenfitch K., Chow R.L., Tissir F., Lee S.-K. and Clotman F. (2020)

Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 77(20):4117-4131 (pdf file)

Pou2f2 regulates the distribution of dorsal interneurons in the mouse developing spinal cord

Masgutova G., Harris A., Jacob B., Corcoran L.M. and Clotman F. (2019)

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 12:263 (pdf file)     

CBP and p300 coactivators contribute to the maintenance of Isl1 expression by the Onecut transcription factors in embryonic spinal motor neurons

Toch M. and Clotman F. (2019)

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 101:103411 (pdf file)

Onecut factors and Pou2f2 regulate the distribution of V2 interneurons in the mouse developing spinal cord

Harris A., Masgutova M., Collin A., Toch M., Hidalgo-Figueroa M., Jacob B., Corcoran L.M., Francius C. and Clotman F. (2019)

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 13: 184 (pdf file)

Guidance of motor axons: Where do we stand ?

Clotman F. and Tissir F. (2018)

Current Opinion in Physiology, 4 pp. 76–81 (pdf file)

The Onecut transcription factors regulate differentiation and distribution of dorsal interneurons during spinal cord development

Kabayiza K., Masgutova G., Harris A., Rucchin V., Jacob B. and Clotman F. (2017)

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10:157 (pdf file)

Molecular profiling of neuronal diversity of the hypothalamus reveals molecularly segregated periventricular dopamine neurons

Romanov R.A., Zeisel A., Bakker J., Girach F., Hellysaz A., Tomer R., Alpár A., Mulder J., Clotman F., Keimpema E., Hsueh B., Crow A.K., Martens H., Schwindling C., Calvigioni D., Bains J.S., Máté Z., Szabó G., Yanagawa Y., Uhlén M., Wulff P., Broberger C., Deisseroth K., Hökfelt T., Linnarsson S., Horvath T.L. and Harkany T. (2017)

Nature Neuroscience, 20(2) pp. 176-188 (pdf file)

Vsx1 transiently defines an early intermediate V2 interneuron precursor compartment in the mouse developing spinal cord.

Francius C., Hidalgo-Figueroa M. (equal contribution), Debrulle S., Pelosi B., Rucchin V., Ronellenfitch K., Panayiotou E., Makrides N., Misra K., Harris A., Hassani H., Schakman O., Parras C., Xiang M., Malas S., Chow R.L. and Clotman F. (2016)

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 9:145 (pdf file)

Celsr3 is required in motor neurons to steer their axons in the hindlimb.

Chai G., Zhou L., Manto M., Helmbacher F., Clotman F., Goffinet A.M. and Tissir F. (2014)

Nature Neuroscience, 17 (9) pp. 1171-1179 (pdf file and supplemental data)

Generating spinal motor neuron diversity: a long quest for neuronal identity.

Francius C., Clotman F. (2014)

Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 71 pp. 813-829 (pdf file)

Identification of multiple subsets of ventral interneurons and differential distribution along the rostrocaudal axis of the developing spinal cord.

Francius C., Harris A.A., Hendricks T.J., Stam F., Barber M., Kurek D., Grosveld F.G., Pierani A., Goulding M. and Clotman, F. (2013)

PLoS One, 8 (8): e70325 (pdf file)

The Onecut transcription factor HNF-6 regulates in motor neurons the formation of the neuromuscular junctions.

Audouard E., Schakman O., René F., Huettl R.-E., Huber A.B., Loeffler J.-P., Gailly P. and Clotman F. (2012)

PLoS One, 7 (12):e50509 (pdf file)

Onecut transcription factors act upstream of Isl1 to regulate spinal motoneuron diversification.

Roy A., Francius C. (equal contribution), Rousso D.L., Seuntjes E., Debruyn J., Luxenhofer G., Huber A.B., Huylebroeck D., Novitch B.G. and Clotman F. (2012)

Development, 139 (17) pp. 3109-19 (pdf file)

Control of Renshaw cell inhibitory interneuron specialization by a temporally restricted transcription factor program.

Stam F., Hendricks T.J. (equal contribution), Geiman E., Zhang, J., Francius C., Labosky, P., Clotman F. and Goulding M. (2012)

Development, 139 (1) pp. 179-190 (pdf file)

Dynamic expression of the Onecut transcription factors HNF-6, OC-2 and OC-3 during spinal motor neuron development.

Francius, C. and Clotman, F. (2010)

Neuroscience, 165 (1) pp. 116-129 (pdf file)

The full bibliography record of the NEDI lab is available in the DIAL database of the UCL.




















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