UCL - Studies

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Study programmes
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Second cycle
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Faculties and entities
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Academic calendar
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Second cycle
>> "Licences" (second cycle programmes) - "Ingéniorats" (engineering programmes)
>> Complementary studies

Second cycle non-reformed programmes (prior to 2007)

" Licences ", " ingéniorats ", " maîtrises ", Pharmacy, PhD in Medecine (accessible to candidates)

Students holding a " candidat " certificate will be entitled access to the second study cycle (" licence ", engineer, ...) until the academic year 2006/2007, as defined in the decree of September 1994.

2nd cycle basic study programmes accessible to candidates (in alphabetical order)

> Bio-ingénieur (Bioengineer)
> Doctorat en médecine (PhD in Medecine)
> Grade de pharmacien (Pharmacist)
> Ingénieur civil architecte (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Architecture)
> Ingénieur civil chimiste (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Chemical Engineering)
> Ingénieur civil des constructions (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil)in Civil Engineering)
> Ingénieur civil électricien (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Electrical Engineering)
> Ingénieur civil électromécanicien (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Electromechanical Engineering)
> Ingénieur civil en mathématiques appliquées (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Applied Mathematics )
> Ingénieur civil en sciences des matériaux (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Materials Science )
> Ingénieur civil informaticien (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Computer studies)
> Ingénieur civil mécanicien (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Ingénieur civil) in Mechanical Engineering )
> Ingénieur de gestion (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Management)
> Licence à durée réduite en philosophie (Shortened BA degree in Philosophy)
> Licence à durée réduite en sciences de l'éducation (Shortened Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Educational Sciences)
> Licence en arts du spectacle (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Spectacle Arts )
> Licence en criminologie (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Criminology)
> Licence en droit (de jour ou à horaire décalé) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Law (Day-time or Evening course) )
> Licence en éducation physique (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Physical Education )
> Licence en histoire (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in History)
> Licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in History of Art and Archaeology)
> Licence en information et communication (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Information and Communication)
> Licence en informatique (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Computer Studies)
> Licence en kinésithérapie et réadaptation (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation )
> Licence en langues et littératures classiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Classical Languages and Literature)
> Licence en langues et littératures germaniques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Germanic Languages and Literature)
> Licence en langues et littératures orientales (langue arabe et islamologie) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Oriental Languages and Literature (Arabic language and Islamology))
> Licence en langues et littératures orientales (philologie et histoire orientales) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Oriental Languages and Literature (Oriental Philology and History))
> Licence en langues et littératures romanes (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Romance Languages and Literature)
> Licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Speech Therapy (common UCL/ULB programme))
> Licence en philologie biblique (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biblical Philology)
> Licence en philosophie (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Philosophy)
> Licence en politique économique et sociale (développement et gestion de projets) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Economic and Social Politics )
> Licence en politique économique et sociale (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Economic and Social Politics )
> Licence en science dentaire (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Dental Sciences )
> Licence en sciences biologiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biological Sciences )
> Licence en sciences biomédicales (nutrition humaine) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biomedical Sciences (Human Nutrition))
> Licence en sciences biomédicales (sciences biomédicales cliniques) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biomedical Sciences (clinical biomedical sciences))
> Licence en sciences biomédicales (sciences biomédicales expérimentales) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biomedical Sciences (experimental biomedical sciences))
> Licence en sciences biomédicales (toxicologie) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Biomedical Sciences (Toxicology))
> Licence en sciences chimiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Chemical Sciences )
> Licence en sciences de gestion (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Management Sciences )
> Licence en sciences de l'éducation (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Educational Sciences)
> Licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Family Sciences and Sexuality)
> Licence en sciences de la santé publique (gestion des institutions de soins) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Public Health Sciences )
> Licence en sciences de la santé publique (Promotion de la santé, éducation pour la santé) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Public Health Sciences (Health Promotion, Health Education))
> Licence en sciences de la santé publique (promotion de la santé, programmes et services de santé communautaire) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Public Health Sciences (health promotion, community health programmes and services))
> Licence en sciences du travail (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Work Sciences )
> Licence en sciences économiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Economic Sciences )
> Licence en sciences géographiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Geographical Sciences )
> Licence en sciences mathématiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Mathematical Sciences)
> Licence en sciences physiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Physical Sciences )
> Licence en sciences politiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Political Sciences)
> Licence en sciences psychologiques (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) In Psychological Sciences)
> Licence en sciences religieuses (pour des licenciés d'autres disciplines) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Religious Sciences (for degree holders in other disciplines))
> Licence en sciences religieuses (programme de base) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Religious Sciences (basic programme))
> Licence en sociologie (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Sociology)
> Maîtrise en sciences de gestion (orientation "méthodes quantitatives de gestion") ("Maîtrise" in Management Sciences (orientation : "quantitative methods in management"))
> Maîtrise en sciences économiques ("Maîtrise" in Economic Sciences )

New programmes ( transition situation) accessible to students already holding a 2nd cycle diploma

Since September 2004, a great number of the former DEC programmes are organised, either in the form of a master (60 or 120 credits), or in the form of university certificates, under the same access conditions as the former DEC. (Consult these for more information).

For the former DEC programmes not covered on the list, we invite you to contact the faculty directly to check the possibilities of following one of the courses (DES, DEA, licence, complementary study programme, etc.) which pursues equivalent objectives.

In addition, several complementary masters have been organised since September 2005. These are accessible to students holding a 2nd cycle diploma.

Masters for 60 credits (in alphabetical order)

> Master en histoire de l'art et archéologie, orientation générale (Master of Art History and Archaeology : general orientation )
> Master en information et communication (Master of Information and Communication)
> Master en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation "orientales" (Master of Ancient Languages and Literature , orientation : "Oriental Languages")
> Master en langues et littératures françaises et romanes, orientation générale (Master of French and Romance Languages and Literature, orientation : General )
> Master en sciences de gestion (Master of Management Sciences )
> Master en sciences du travail (Master of Work Sciences )
> Master en sciences économiques, orientation générale (Master of Economic Sciences : general orientation )
> Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale (affaires publiques) (Master of Political Sciences, orientation: General (Public Matters))
> Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale (relations internationales) (Master of Political Sciences, orientation: general (International Relations) )
> Master en sociologie et anthropologie (Master of Sociology and Anthropology)

Masters for 120 credits (in alphabetical order)

> Master en communication multilingue, à finalité spécialisée en langues des affaires (Master of Multi-lingual Communication, leading to specialisation in Business Languages )
> Master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée (Master of Criminology, leading to specialisation)
> Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie en linguistique générale et appliquée (Master of Linguistics, leading to specialisation in General and Applied Linguistics )
> Master en linguistique, à finalité spécialisée en ingénierie linguistique (Master of Linguistics, leading to specialisation in Linguistic Engineering)
> Master en sciences actuarielles, à finalité spécialisée (Master of Actuarial Sciences, leading to specialisation )
> Master en sciences de l'éducation, à finalité spécialisée (Master of Education Sciences, leading to specialisation)
> Master en sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication, à finalité spécialisée (Master of Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication, leading to specialisation)
> Master en statistique, orientation générale, à finalité spécialisée (Master of Statistics : general orientation, leading to specialisation)

Complementary Masters (in alphabetical order)

> Master complémentaire en anatomie pathologique (Complementary Master of Pathological Anatomy )
> Master complémentaire en anesthésie-réanimation (Complementary Master of Anaesthetics - Resuscitation)
> Master complémentaire en biologie clinique (Complementary Master of Clinical Biology )
> Master complémentaire en cardiologie (Complementary Master of Cardiology)
> Master complémentaire en chirurgie (Complementary Master of Surgery)
> Master complémentaire en chirurgie orthopédique (Master of Orthopaedic Surgery )
> Master complémentaire en chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique (Complementary Master of Plastic, Reconstruction and Aesthetic Surgery )
> Master complémentaire en dermato-vénéréologie (Complementary Master of Dermato-Venereology)
> Master complémentaire en gastro-entérologie (Complementary Master of Gastroenterology)
> Master complémentaire en gynécologie obstétrique (Complementary Master of Obstetric Gynecology)
> Master complémentaire en médecine du travail (Complementary Master of Industrial Medecine)
> Master complémentaire en médecine générale (Complementary Master of General Medecine )
> Master complémentaire en médecine interne (Complementary Master of Internal Medecine)
> Master complémentaire en médecine légale (Complementary Master of Legal Medecine )
> Master complémentaire en médecine nucléaire (Complementary Master of Nuclear Medecine )
> Master complémentaire en médecine physique et réadaptation (Complementary Master of Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine )
> Master complémentaire en neurochirurgie (Complementary Master of Neurosurgery)
> Master complémentaire en neurologie (Complementary Master of Neurology)
> Master complémentaire en ophtalmologie (Complementary Master of Ophtalmology)
> Master complémentaire en oto-rhino-laryngologie (Complementary Master of Otorhinolaryngology)
> Master complémentaire en pédiatrie (Complementary Master of Pediatrics)
> Master complémentaire en pneumologie (Complementary Master of Pneumology)
> Master complémentaire en psychiatrie, orientation psychiatrie de l'adulte (Complementary Master of Psychiatry, Orientation : Adult Psychiatry)
> Master complémentaire en psychiatrie, orientation psychiatrie infanto-juvénile (Complementary Master of Psychiatry, orientation: Psychiatry in Children and Adolescents)
> Master complémentaire en radiodiagnostic (Complementary Master of X-Ray Diagnoses)
> Master complémentaire en radiothérapie-oncologie (Complementary Master of Radiotherapic-Oncology)
> Master complémentaire en rhumatologie (Complementary Master of Rhumatology)
> Master complémentaire en stomatologie (Complementary Master of Stomatology)
> Master complémentaire en urologie (Complementary Master of Urology)

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : marchand@adef.ucl.ac.be
Last update :04/05/2006