IAP DYSCO Study Day: Dynamical systems, control and optimization
Monday November 23, 2015 - KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg
10:00 Welcome
10:05 Plenary talk 1: Proximal Envelopes: Quasi-Newton operator splitting methods for solving nonsmooth optimization problems by Panos Patrinos (KU Leuven)
11:05 Coffee break, poster session, lunch
14:00 Parallel sessions
1. Large scale data and systems (room ESAT 00.62)
- 14h00 Renaud Lambiotte (UNamur), Diffusion on networked systems is a question of time or structure
- 14h45 Karl Meerbergen (KU Leuven), The compact rational Krylov method and its application in model order reduction and nonlinear eigenvalue problems
- 15h30 Discussion
- 15h45 End
2. Estimation and modeling (room MTM 02.20)
- 14h00 Frank Naets (KU Leuven), Model order reduction of multibody models for estimation purposes
- 14h45 John Lataire (VUB), On the frequency domain identification of time-varying systems
- 15h30 Discussion
- 15h45 End
3. Distributed systems, decision, control and communication (room LAND 00.42)
- 14h00 Ignace Tack (KU Leuven), Individual based modeling of microbial colonies and biofims
- 14h45 Toon Van Waterschoot (KU Leuven), Distributed estimation of cross-correlation functions in wireless sensor networks
- 15h30 Discussion
- 15h45 End
16:00 Plenary talk 2: Accuracy guarantees for a class of randomized averaging algorithms by Julien Hendrickx (UCL)
17:00 End
The study day will take place at the Thermotechnisch Instituut, Kasteelpark Arenberg, Willem de Croylaan 42, 3001 Heverlee-Leuven.
Parking facilities
Parking your car is only possible at the new parking "Kasteelpark - De Molen" in the Celestijnenlaan (see map below). To enter/leave this parking, you will need an entrance code. On Monday November 23 this code is 787507# (don't forget the hashtag !)