Friday November 22, 2013
IAP DYSCO Study Day: Dynamical systems, control and optimization
8:45 Registration at "Welcome Desk"
9:25 Welcome by the IAP network coordinator Vincent Blondel
9:30 Plenary Lecture 1: Modeling Challenges in Motor Control by Prof. dr. ir. Philippe Lefèvre (dept. of Mathematical Engineering (INMA), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium)
Chair : Rik Pintelon (VUB)
10:30 Poster session 1 and coffee break (see the list of posters here (PDF file))
11:30 Plenary Lecture 2: System Identification of Human Neuromuscular Control at the Spinal Cord and at the Brain by Prof. dr. Frans van der Helm (Dept. of Biomechanical Engineering, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands)
Chair : Johan Schoukens (VUB)
12:30 Lunch (meeting of the IAP promoters in the room Bordet)
13:30 Plenary Lecture 3: Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Aerospace Structures by Prof. dr. ir. Gaëtan Kerschen (Space Structures and Systems Laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium)
Chair : Jan Swevers (KUL)
14:30 Poster session 2 and coffee break (see the list of posters here (PDF file))
15:30 Plenary Lecture 4: Low-Rank Approximations and its Applications in System Identification and Signal Processing by Prof. dr. ir. Ivan Markovsky (Fundamental Electricity and Instrumentation (ELEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Chair : Pierre-Antoine Absil (UCL)
16:30 ERC Grant panel discussion: Prof. Gaëtan Kerschen (ULiège, ERC Starting Grant), Prof. Ivan Markovsky (VUB, ERC Starting Grant), Prof. Johan Schoukens (VUB, ERC Advanced Grant), Prof. Johan Suykens (KULeuven, ERC Advanced Grant), Prof. Frans van der Helm (TUDelft, ERC Advanced Grant), Prof. Joos Vandewalle (KULeuven, former member ERC panel), Prof. Sabine Van Huffel (KULeuven, ERC Advanced Grant).
Chair : Paul Van Dooren (UCL)
17:00 End
Palais des Académies, Espace Baudouin, Rue Ducale, 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Here is a map