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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

> Legend

Further information about this major may be found at http//www.uclouvain.be/cpme. This major may not be taken at the same time as a major in management. Students in this major may choose

De 20 à 25 credits parmi
Annual block
  1 2

Mandatory Required courses for the major in small and medium sized businesses
Mandatory LCPME2001 Entrepreneurship Theory (in French)   Frank Janssen 30h+20h  5 credits 1q x  
Mandatory LCPME2003 Business plan of the creation of a company (in French)   Frank Janssen 30h+15h  5 credits 2q   x
Mandatory LCPME2002 Managerial, legal and economic aspects of the creation of a company (in French)   Régis Coeurderoy, Yves De Cordt, Marine Falize (compensates Régis Coeurderoy) 30h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Mandatory LCPME2004 Advanced seminar on Enterpreneurship (in French)   Roxane De Hoe (compensates Frank Janssen), Frank Janssen 30h+15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Prerequisite CPME courses

Students who have not taken management courses during their previous studies must enroll in LCPME2000.  

Mandatory LCPME2000 Venture creation financement and management I   Olivier Giacomin, Paul Vanzeveren 30h+15h  5 credits 1 + 2q x