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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 Engineering has experienced two complementary changes. On the one hand, technological expansion has created a need for advanced specialization, which allows little space for the traditionally broad training of engineers : this is the case e.g. of nanotechnologies, information technologies, or the development of new materials.
On the other hand, this trend has led, in various application fields, to a growing integration of various disciplines : electricity or electronics, mechanics, control, computing ; examples may be found in robotics, energy management, vehicles and transport systems …
Answering the needs of present-day society therefore requires not only engineers with specialized knowledge, but also engineers who can manage the interface issues which arise when integrating various disciplines into an equipment or a system.
This second profile is that targeted by UCL’s Master’s in electromechanical engineering. It should be noted that the interdisciplinary training organized at UCL differs from that of other French-speaking universities where a degree in electromechanical engineering is awarded to all graduates in electrical OR mechanical engineering.
Due to the wide spectrum of disciplines integrated into the electromechanical engineering curriculum, students are required, from the outset of their Master’s, to choose between two specializations, viz. Mechatronics or Energy : the first of these stresses electronics, mechanical design and control theory, the second thermodynamics, energetics and electricity.

The electromechanical engineering curriculum integrates the fields of electricity and mechanics into a coherent and balanced entity where the accent is on basic knowledge, thereby favouring the deepening or redirection of knowledge at any time in one’s career. This leads to the training of engineers who are well equipped to follow the evolution of technology and adapt to the needs of the labour market.

Upon completion of their Master’s, students will have mastered the mathematical and physical methods of electricity and mechanics and will have acquired advanced knowledge in mechatronics or energetics. Thanks to the various elective courses in their curriculum, students can complement their training according to their specific interests, in particular within the fields of economics and management. The pedagogy stresses project work integrating various disciplines, and this favours the development of a critical mind capable of designing, modelling, manufacturing and experimentally validating devices and systems.
The final project amounts to half the workload of the last year, and gives students the opportunity of an in-depth analysis of a given subject and, via its size and context, is a realistic introduction to the professional life of an engineer or a researcher.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
démontrer la maîtrise d'un solide corpus de connaissances en sciences fondamentales et sciences de l'ingénieur, lui permettant d'appréhender et de résoudre des problèmes qui relèvent de l'életromécanique.

d’organiser et de mener à son terme une démarche d’ingénierie appliquée au développement d’un produit (et/ou d’un service) répondant à un besoin ou à une problématique particulière dans le domaine de l'électromécanique.


d'organiser et de mener à son terme un travail de recherche pour appréhender un phénomène physique ou une problématique inédite relevant de l'életromécanique.

de contribuer, en équipe, à la réalisation d’un projet pluridisciplinaire et de le mener à son terme en tenant compte des objectifs, des ressources, allouées et des contraintes qui le caractérisent.

de communiquer efficacement oralement et par écrit (en français et idéalement dans une ou plusieurs langues étrangères) en vue de mener à bien les projets qui lui sont confiés.

de faire preuve de rigueur, d'ouverture, d'esprit critique et d'éthique dans son travail. Tout en tirant parti des innovations technologiques et scientifiques à sa disposition, il prendra le recul nécessaire pour valider la pertinence socio-technique d'une hypothèse ou d'une solution.