Practical information

Contact people

Academic in charge : Bas van Wesemael, GEO President

Contact people :
for the 2nd year : Nathalie Micha -
for the 3rd year : Dominique Peeters -

GEO conseiller aux études (course adviser) : Dominique Peeters -

Enrolling on the elective

Students enroll on the minor at the same time as they enroll on the 2nd year of the baccalaureate.

Course times

Course times can be consulted at the following address:

Should a timetable clash arise, students are invited to contact:
- Nathalie Micha ( for 2nd year courses
- Dominique Peeters ( for 3rd year courses

Signing up for minor courses

The registration form for minor activities is available at the following address:

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
Students register for exams on the registration form for the year of studies of the major course.

2. Exam times
Exam times can be consulted at the following address:

| 11/05/2007 |