Minor in Engineering Sciences: Computer Sciences [30.0] - MININFO

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The main objective of  the " polytechnic " minors organized by the Faculté des Sciences Appliquées is for a student taking the engineering science baccalaureate, should s/he so wish, to acquire, via a major/minor polytechnic combination, basic training in two specialist areas of engineering science, and thus to broaden his/her range of technical skills, or to prepare for a master's in engineering science which spans the basic courses offered at baccalaureate level.

The disciplinary objectives of the minor in computing science are to help the student acquire the main basic concepts of the discipline, more specifically:  

  • Mastering the foundations of the basic IT subjects (algorithmic and data structures, IT languages, IT systems, data bases) 
  • Analyzing and resolving IT problems (of an average size) by applying knowledge regarding IT and engineering science.
| 18/10/2008 |