Practical information

Enrolling on the approfondissement

1. Enrolling for the approfondissement and checks to the enrollment form
Having enrolled on the BAC12 at the genera student secretariat, between the end of June and the middle of September, the student is invited to register for the elective on the website:

In BAC13, the student must no longer enroll on the second year of his elective, as s/he will be automatically enrolled. 

2. Changes to the approfondissement enrollment form
Any student who wishes to change his/her choice must consult the conseiller aux études (course adviser).

Course times

Sign-up form for approfondissement activities

1. Information on entry requirements
This information is available in the detailed course structure (above).

2. Signing up for approfondissement activities
Students sign up for (course) activities for the elective at the same time as they sign up for major (course) activities. 

The registration form for elective activities is available on the WEB site:

The form must be returned to the secretariat of the student's own faculty.

Available support

Useful information will be given in classes.

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
To register for exams, students follow the same procedure as when they register for major course exams.

2. Consulting exam times
The grid of exam times may be consulted at the time of registration for exams. Elective course exams take place over the course of one particular week of the normal session, in order to avoid timetable clashes.The grid of times is available on the WEB site:

| 31/05/2007 |