Published Papers of IAP Members
REICHLIN, L., Discussion : Taking DSGE Models to the Policy Environment by Alvarez-Lois, Harrison, Piscitelli and Scott . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2007, forthcoming.
REICHLIN, L., Fiscal Divergence and Business Cycle Synchronization : Irresponsability is Idiosyncratic . in Frankel & Pissarides (eds), NBER International Macroeconomic Annual 2005, MIT Press, 2006, forthcoming.
REICHLIN, L., Financial Statistics for a Global Economy . Frankfurt, May 2006, forthcoming in conference proceedings.
REICHLIN, L., Monetary Policy in a World Low Interest Rate Environment . Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, May 2006.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Chernoff-Savage and Hodges-Lehmann Results for Wilks 'Test of Independence' . in M. Silvapulle (eds), Festschrift for P.K. Sen, IMS Lecture
Notes-Monograph Series, 2007, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M. and R. LISKA, The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model : Determining the Number of Factors . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M. , Happy Birthday to You, Mr Wilcoxon ! Sixty Years of Statistical Inference based on Ranks . Proceedings of GFKL, 2006, Springer, 2007, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M. and A. SAIDI, Optimal Tests for Non-Correlation between Multivariate Time Series . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M. , OJA, H. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Semiparametrically Efficient Rank-Based Inference for Shape : II. Optimal R-Estimation of Shape . Annals of Statistics, 2006, 34, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M., JURECKOVA J. and H.L. KOUL, Serial Autoregression and Regression Rank Score Statistics . In V. Nair (eds), Festschrift for Kjell Doksum, 2006, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Parametric and Semiparametric Inference for Shape : the Role of the Scale Functional . Statistics and Decisions, 2006, 24, 1001-1023.
HALLIN, M. and B. WERKER, Discussion of "Quantile Autoregression" (by KOENHER & XIAO) . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2006, 101, 996-998.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Semiparametrically Efficient Rank-Based Inference for Shape : I. Optimal Rank-Based Tests for Sphericity . Annals of Statistics, 2006, 34, forthcoming.
HALLIN, M., VERMANDELE, C. and B. WERKER, Linear Serial and Nonserial Sign-and-Rank Statistics : Asymptotic Representation and Asymptotic Normality . Annals of Statistics, 34, 254-289.
HALLIN, M., FARHAT, A. and J.M. DUFOUR, Distribution-Free Bounds for Serial Correlation Coefficients in Heteroskedastic Symmetric Time Series . Journal of Econometrics, 2006, 130, 123-42.
MELARD, G., and R. AZRAK, Asymptotic Properties of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for ARMA Models with Time-Dependent Coefficients . Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes , 9, 2006, 3, 279-330.
MELARD, G., ROCH, R. and A. SAIDI, Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Structured or Unit Root Multivariate Time Serie Models . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 50, 11, 2006, 2958-2986.
PAINDAVEINE, D. , A Chernoff-Savage Result for Shape. On the Non-Admissibility of Pseudo-Gaussian Methods . Journal of Multivariate Analysis , 2006, 97, 2206-2220.
PAINDAVEINE, D. and M. HALLIN, Asymptotic Linearity of Serial and Nonserial Multivariate Signed Rank Statistics . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 2006, 136, 1-32.
GIANNONE, D. and L. REICHLIN, Does Information Help Recovering Structural Shocks from Past Observations ?. . Journal of the European Economic Association, 4, 455-465.
GIANNONE, D., REICHLIN, L. and L SALA, VARs, Common factors and the Empirical Validation of Equilibrium Business Cycle Models. . Journal of Econometrics, 132, 257279.
BOCK, H.-H., Vizualizing symbolic data by Kohonen maps. . Symbolic Data Analysis and the SODAS Software, Wiley, New York (in print, 2007)
BOCK, H.-H, de CARVALHO F. and P. BRITO, Dynamic clustering for interval data based on L_2 distance. . Computational Statistics, 21, 231-250, 2006.
ROZET, E., MERTENS, B., DEWE, W., CECCATO, A., GOVAERTS, B., BOULANGER, B., CHIAP, P., STREEL, B., CROMMEN, J. and Ph. LAMBERT, The transfer of a LC-UV method for the determination of fenofibrate and fenobibric acid in Lidoses: use of total error as decision criterion . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 42, 64-70, 2006.
VERAVERBEKE, N., Regression quantiles under dependent censoring . Statistics, 40, 117-128, 2006.
VAN STEEN, K., LAIRD, N.M., MARKEL, P. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Approaches to handle incomplete data in family-based association testing . Annals of Human Genetics, to appear.
VANSTEENLANDT, S., GOETGHEBEUR, E., KENWARD, M.G. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Ignorance and uncertainty regions as inferential tools in a sensitivity analysis . Statistica Sinica, 16, 953-979, 2006.
VAN SANDEN, S., WOUTERS, L., BURZYKOWSKI, T., MOLENBERGHS, G., VAN REMOORTERE, M., MEERT, T. and L. BIJNENS, A modelling approach to the analysis of nerve regenerative experiments . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 843-859, 2006.
TILBALDI, F., VERBEKE, G., MOLENBERGHS, G., RENARD, D., VAN DEN NOORTGATE, W. and P. DE BOECK, Conditional mixed models with crossed-random effects . Bristish Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, to appear.
SPEYBROECK, N., MARCOTTY, T., AERTS, M., DOLAN, T., WILLIAMS, B., LAUER, J., MOLENBERGHS, G., BURZYKOWSKI, T., MULUMBA, M. and D. BERKVENS, Titrating Theileria parva: single stocks against combination of stocks . International Journal for Parasitology, to appear.
SHEN, S., BEUNCKENS, C., MALLINCKRODT, C. and G. MOLENBERGHS, A local influence sensitivity analysis for incomplete longitudinal depression data . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 365-384, 2006.
MOLENBERGHS, G. and G. VERBEKE, The Diggle-Kenward model for dropout . Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, to appear.
MOLENBERGHS, G., VANGENEUGDEN, T. and A. LAENEN, Estimating reliability and generalizability from hierarchical biomedical data . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, to appear.
MOLENBERGHS, G. and E. LESAFFRE, Missing values . In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials, D'Agostino, Sullivan and Massaro (eds), New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
MALLINCKRODT, C.H., DETKE, M.J., KAISER, C.J., WATKIN, J.G., MOLENBERGHS, G. and R.J. CARROLL, Comparing onset of antidepressant action using a repeated measures approach and a traditional assessment schedule . Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2384-2397, 2006.
LAENEN, A., VANGENEUGDEN, T., GEYS, H. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Generalized reliability estimation using repeated measurements . Bristish Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 59, 113-131, 2006.
JANSEN, I., VAN DEN TROOST, A., MOLENBERGHS, G., VERMULST, A. and J. GERRIS, Modeling partially incomplete marital satisfaction data . Sociological Methods and Research, 35, 113-136, 2006.
HENS, N., AERTS, M. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Model selection for incomplete and design-based samples . Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2502-2520, 2006.
GOEBEGEUR, Y., DE BOECK, P., MOLENBERGHS, G. and G. DEL PINO, A local-influence-based diagnostic approach to a speeded item response theory model . Applied Statistics, 55, 647-676, 2006.
CORTIÑAS ABRAHANTES, J., LEGRAND, C., BURZYKOWSKI, T., JANSSEN, P., DUCROCQ, V. and L. DUCHATEAU, Comparison of different estimation procedures for proportional hazards model with random effect . CSDA, to appear.
, Resampling plans for frailty models . Comm. Statist. - Simulation and Computation, 35, 497-514, 2006
LEGRAND, C., DUCHATEAU, L., SYLVESTER, R., JANSSEN, P., VAN DER HAGE, J., VAN DE VELDE, C. and P. THERASSE, Heterogeneity in disease free survival between centers: lessons learned from an EORTC early breast cancer trial . Clinical Trials, 3, 1-9, 2006.
KÜCHENHOFF, H., MWALILI, S.M. and E. LESAFFRE, A general method for dealing with misclassification in regression: the misclassification SIMEX . Biometrics, 62, 85-96, 2006.
JANSEN, I., HENS, N., MOLENBERGHS, G., AERTS, M., VERBEKE, G. and M. KENWARD, The nature of sensitivity in missing not at random models . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 830-858, 2006.
TSONAKA, S., RIZOPOULOS, D. and E. LESAFFRE, Power and sample size calculations for discrete bounded outcome scores . Statistics in Medicine, 25, 4241-4252, 2006.
LESAFFRE, E., RIZOPOULOS, D. and R. TSONAKA, The logistic-transform for bounded outcome scores . Biostatistics, 8, 72-85, 2006.
JANSEN, I., BEUNCKENS, C., MOLENBERGHS, G., VERBEKE, G., MALLINCKRODT, C. and R.J. CARROLL, Analyzing incomplete binary longitudinal clinical trial data . Statistical Science, 21, 52-69, 2006.
TUERLINCKX, F., RIJMEN, F., VERBEKE, G. and P. DE BOECK, Statistical inference in generalised linear mixed models: a review . British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 59, 225-255, 2006.
FIEUWS, S., VERBEKE, G., BOEN, F. and C. DELECLUSE, High dimensional multivariate mixed models for binary questionnaire data . Applied Statistics, 55, 449-460, 2006.
FIEUWS, S. and G. VERBEKE, Pairwise fitting of mixed models for the joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal profiles . Biometrics, 62, 424-431, 2006.
VERBEKE, G., FIEUWS, S., LESAFFRE, E., KATO, B.S., FOREMAN, M.D., BROOS, P.L.O. and K. MILISEN, A comparison of procedures to correct for baseline differences in the analysis of continuous longitudinal data: a case study . Applied Statistics, 55, 92-101, 2006.
CECERE S., JARA, A. and E. LESAFFRE, Analyzing the emergence times of permanent teeth : an example of modeling the covariance matrix with interval-censored data . Statistical Modelling, 6, 337-351, 2006.
KOMAREK, A. and E. LESAFFRE, Regression with clustered doubly-interval-censored data: time to caries (in Czech) . In: Proceedings of the 14th Winter School of Statistics ROBUST 2006, Lhota nad Rohanovem, the Czech Republic, Antoch, J. and G. Dohnal (Eds), 143-450, 2006.
KOMAREK A., and E. LESAFFRE, Bayesian semiparametric accelerated failure time model for paired doubly-interval-censored data . Statistical Modelling, 6, 3-22, 2006.
HAFNER, C. AND O.B. LINTON, Discussion of quantile autoregression by Koenker and Xhiao . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 998-1001, 2006.
HAFNER, C. and H. HERWARTZ, A Lagrange multiplier test for causality in variance . Economics Letters, 93, 137-141, 2006.
HAFNER, C. and H. HERWARTZ, Volatility impulse response functions for multivariate GARCH models: An exchange rate illustration . Journal of International Money and Finance, 25, 719-740, 2006.
HAFNER, C., VAN DIJK, D.J. and Ph.H. FRANSES, Semiparametric modelling of correlation dynamics . in FOMBY, T. and C. HILL (eds), Advanced in Econometrics, 20, A, 59-103, 2006
VAN BELLEGEM, S. and R. DAHLHAUS, Semiparametric estimation by model selection for locally stationary processes . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 68, 5, 721-746, 2006.
BUGLI, C. and Ph. LAMBERT, Functional ANOVA with random functional effects: an application to event-related potentials modelling for electroencephalograms analysis . Statistics in Medicine, 25, 3718-3739, 2006.
EYERS, L., SMOOT, J.C., SMOOT, L.M., BUGLI, C., URAKAWA, H., MACMURRY, Z., SIRIPONG, S., EL FANTROUSSI, S., LAMBERT, Ph., AGATHOS, S. and D.A. STAHL, Discrimination of shifts in a soil microbial community associated with TNT-contamination using a functional ANOVA of 16S rRNA hybridized to oligonucleotide microarrays . Environmental Science & Technology, 40, 19, 5867-5873, 2006.
BUGLI, C. and Ph. LAMBERT, Comparison between principal component analysis and independent component analysis in electroencephalograms modelling . Biometrical Journal, 48, 5, 1-16, 2006.
PATILEA, V. and J.-M. ROLIN, Product-limit estimators of the survival function for two modified forms of current-status data . Bernoulli, 12, 5, 801-819, 2006.
JEONG, S.O. and L. SIMAR, Linearly interpolated FDH efficiency score for nonconvex frontiers . Journal of Mutlivariate Analysis, 97, 2141-2161, 2006.
DARAIO, C. and L. SIMAR, A robust nonparametric approach to evaluate and explain the performance of mutual funds . European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 516-542, 2006.
DENUIT, M., PURCARU, O and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Bivariate archimedean copula models for censored data in non-life insurance . Journal of Actuarial Practice, 13, 5-32, 2006.
COURTOIS, C., DENUIT, M. and S. VAN BELLEGEM, Discrete s-convex extremal distributions: theory and applications . Applied Mathematics Letters, 19, 1367-1377, 2006.
DELOUILLE, V., JANSEN, M. and R. von SACHS, Second-generation wavelet denoising methods for irregularly spaced data in two dimensions . Signal Processing, 86, 1435-1450, 2006.
ZELENYUK, V. , Aggregation of Malmquist productivity indexes . European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 1076-1086, 2006.
ZELENYUK, V. , Aggregation of Malmquist productivity indexes . European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 1076-1086, 2006.
PARDO-FERNANDEZ, J.C. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Comparison of regression curves with censored responses . Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 33, 409-434, 2006.
FRANCOIS, N., GUYOT-DECLERCK, C., HUG, B., CALLEMIEN, D., GOVAERTS, B. and S. COLLIN, Beer astringency assessed by time-intensity and quantitative descriptive analysis: Influence of pH and accelerated aging . Food Quality and Preference, 17, 445-452, 2006.
PATILEA, V. and J.-M. ROLIN, Product-limit estimators of the survival function with twice censored data . The Annals of Statistics, 34, 2, 925-938, 2006.
SAN MARTIN, E., MOUCHART, M. and J.-M. ROLIN, Ignorable common information, null sets and basu's first theorem . Sankhya :The Indian Journal of Statistics, 67, 4, 674-698, 2005.
CAO, R. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation . The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34, 1, 61-77, 2006.
BONACCORSI, A., DARAIO, C. and L. SIMAR, Advanced indicators of productivity of universities. An application of robust nonparametric methods to Italian data . Scientometrics, 66, 2, 389-410, 2006.
OULHAJ, A. and M. MOUCHART, The role of the exogenous randomness in the identification of conditional models . METRON - International Journal of Statistics, LXIV, 2, 253-271, 2006.
LEGRAND, C., DUCROCQ, V., JANSSEN, P., SYLVESTER , R. and L. DUCHATEAU, A bayesian approach to jointly estimate center and treatment by center heterogeneity in a proportional hazards model . Statistics in Medicine, 27, 3789-3804, 2005.
de BOER, P. and C. HAFNER, Ridge regression revisited . Statistica Neerlandica, 59, 498-505, 2005
HAFNER, C., Durations, volume and the prediction of financial returns in transaction time . Quantitative Finance, 5, 145-152, 2005.
GUYOT-DECLERCK, C., FRANCOIS, N., RITTER C., GOVAERTS B. and S. COLLIN, Influence of pH and ageing on beer organoleptic properties.
A sensory analysis based on AEDA data; . Food Quality and Preference, 16, 157-162, 2005.
MESFIOUI, M. and A. TAJAR, On the properties of some nonparametric concordance measures in the discrete case . Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 5, 541-554, 2005.
OMBAO, H., von SACHS, R. and W. GUO, SLEX Analysis of multivariate nonstationary times series . Journal of the American Statistical Association,
100, 470, 519-531, 2005
DAUBIOUL, C.A., HORSMANS, Y., LAMBERT, P., DANSE, E. and N.M. DELZENNE, Effects of oligostructure on glucose and lipid metabolism in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis : results of a pilot study . European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59, 723-726, 2005.
GOVAERTS, B., BECK, B., LECOUTRE, E., LE BAILLY, C. and P. VANDEN EECKAUT , From monitoring data to regional distributions : a practical methodology applied to water risk assessment. . Environmetrics, 16, 109-127, 2005.
MOUCHART, M. and E. SCHEIHING , Bayesian evaluation of a Non-Admissible Conditioning: The Case of Fisher Test . Journal of Econometrics, 123, 283-306, 2005.
GARDES, L. and S. GIRARD, Asymptotic properties of a Pickands type estimator of the extreme value index . In COLOMBUS, F. (ed.), Focus on probability theory, Nova Science, New York, to appear.
REICHLIN, L., The Euro business cycle: stylized facts and measurements issues . CEPR, London 2004, to appear.
OJA, H. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Optimal signed-rank tests based on hyperplanes . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, to appear.
MELARD, G., ROY, R. and A. SAIDI, Exact maximum likelihood estimation of structured or unit root multivariate time series models . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, to appear.
KLEIN, A., MELARD, G. and P. SPREIJ, On the resultant property of the Fisher information matrix of a vector ARMA process . Linear Algebra and its Applications, to appear.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Optimal rank-based tests for sphericity . Annals of Statistics, 33, to appear.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Multivariate signed rank tests in vector autoregressive order identification . Statistical Science, to appear.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE , Asymptotic linearity of serial and nonserial multivariate signed rank statistics. . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, forthcoming.
GIANNONE, D. and L. REICHLIN, Euro area and US recessions: 1970-2003. . in L. REICHLIN (ed.), The Euro Area Business Cycle, CEPR, to appear.
GIANNONE, D., REICHLIN, L. and L. SALA, VARs, factor models and the empirical validation of equilibrium business cycle models . Journal of Econometrics, to appear.
GIANNONE, D., REICHLIN, L. and L. SALA, Monetary policy in real time . in GERTLER, M. and K. ROGOFF (eds.), Macroeconomic Annual 2004, MIT Press 2005, to appear.
FORNI, M., HALLIN, M., LIPPI, M. and L. REICHLIN , The generalized dynamic factor model : one-sided estimation and forecasting . Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear.
LESAFFRE, E., KOMAREK, A. and D. DECLERCK, An overview of methods for interval-censored data with an emphasis on applications in dentistry . Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear.
KOMAREK, A., LESAFFRE, E. and J.F. HILTON, Accelerated failure time model for arbitrarily censored data with smoothed error distribution . Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, to appear.
DE MACQ, I. and L. SIMAR, Hyperrectangular space partitioning trees, a practical approach . Computational Statistics, to appear.
DELOUILLE, V. and R. von SACHS, Estimation of nonlinear autoregressive models using design-adapted wavelets . Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 57, 2, 235-253, 2005.
DARAIO, C. and L. SIMAR , Introducing environmental variables in nonparametric frontier models : a probabilistic approach. . Journal of Productivity Analysis, to appear.
DAOUIA, A. and L. SIMAR, Robust nonparametric estimators of monotone boundaries . Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 96, 311-331, 2005.
BIGOT J. , A scale-space approach with wavelets to singularity estimation . accepted in ESAIM:P&S.
DE BOECK, P., WILSON, M. and S. ACTON, A conceptual and psychometric framework for distinguising categories and dimensions . Psychological Review, 112, 129-158, 2005.
VAN MECHELEN, I., BOCK, H.-H. and P. DE BOECK, Two-mode clustering methods. . In EVERITT, B. and D. HOWELL (eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Statistics, Chichester, Wiley, 2005.
DENUIT, M. and Ph. LAMBERT, Constraints on concordance measures in bivariate discrete data . Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 93, 40-57, 2005.
DUCHATEAU, L. and P. JANSSENS, Understanding heterogeneity in mixed, generalized mixed and frailty models . The American Statistician, 2005.
DUCHATEAU, L., OPSOMER, G., DEWULF, J. and P. JANSSEN, The nonlinear effect (determined by the penalised partial likelihood approach) of milk-protein concentration on time to first insemination in Belgian diary cows . Preventive Veterinary Medicine, to appear.
DUCHATEAU, L. and P. JANSSEN, Pairwise nonparametric equivalence tests in 3x3 crossover trials: should we adjust for period? . Statistics in Medicine, 24, 2005.
NGUTI, R., BURZYKOWSKI, T., ROWLANDS, J. RENARD, D. and P. JANSSEN, Joint modelling of repeated measurements and event time: application to survival and performance traits of lambs bred in sub-humid tropics . Genetics Selection Evolution, 2005.
JANSSEN, P., SWANEPOEL, J. and N. VERAVERBEKE, Bootstrapping modified goodness-of-fit statistics with estimated parameters . Statist. Prob. Letters, 2005.
OMBAO, H., RAZ, J., von SACHS, R. and W. GUO, The SLEX model of a non-stationary random process . Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 54, 1, 171-200, 2002.
V. PATILEA, Convex models, MLE and misspecification . The Annals of Statistics 29,1, 94-123, 2001.
DE MOL, C. and M. DEFRISE, Inverse imaging with mixed penalties . Proceedings URSI EMTS 2004, Ed. PLUS Univ. Pisa, pp. 798-800, 2004.
VERBEKE, G. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Modelling Gaussian and non-Gaussian longitudinal data . Yearbook of the Finish Statistical Societyin press.
CURRAN, D., MOLENBERGHS, G., THIJS, H. and G. VERBEKE, Sensitivity analysis for pattern mixture models . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 14, 125-143, 2003.
PAINDAVEINE D., Procédures optimales fondées sur les rangs multivariés . Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, to appear.
FIEUWS, S., SPIESSENS, B. and K. DRANEY, Mixture models . In DE BOECK, P. and M. WILSON (eds.), Explanatory item response models. A generalized linear and nonlinear approach, New York: Springer, to appear.
FIEUWS, S. and G. VERBEKE, Modelling multivariate longitudinal profiles: Pitfalls of the random-effects approach . Statistics in Medicine, to appear.
FORT, G. and S. LAMBERT-LACROIX, Classification using partial least squares with penalized logistic regression . Bioinformatics, to appear.
AMATO, U., ANTONIADIS, A. and I. DE FEIS, Dimension reduction in functional regression with applications . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, to appear.
DUFOUR, J.-M., FARHAT, A. and M. HALLIN, Distribution-free bounds for serial correlation coefficients in heteroskedastic symmetric time series . Journal of Econometrics, to appear.
CRISTADORO, R., FORNI, M., REICHLIN, L. and G. VERONESE, A measure of core inflation for the EURO area . Journal of Money Credit and Banking, to appear.
KATSAMBAS, A., ABECK, D., HANEKE, E., VAN DE KERKHOF, P., BURZYKOWSKI, T., MOLENBERGHS, G. and G. MARYNISSEN, The effects of foot disease on quality of life: results from the Achilles project . Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, to appear.
TUERLINCKX, F. and P. DE BOECK, Two interpretations of the discrimination parameter . Psychometrika, to appear.
SHKEDY, Z., MOLENBERGHS, G. VAN CRAENENDONCK, H., AERTS, N., STECKLER, T. and L. BIJNENS, A hierarchical binomial-Poisson model for the analysis of a cross-over design for correlated binary data when the number of trials is dose-dependent . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, to appear.
MOLENBERGHS, G., BUYSE, M. and T. BURZYKOWSKI, Surrogate markers . International Chinese Statistical Association, to appear.
HENS, N., AERTS, M., MOLENBERGHS, G., THIJS, H. and G. VERBEKE, Kernel weighted influence measures . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, to appear.
RIJMEN, F., DE BOECK, P. and H.L.J. VAN DER MAAS, An IRT model with a parameter-driven process for change . Psychometrika, to appear.
RIJMEN, F. and P. DE BOECK, A relation between a between-item multidimensional IRT model and the mixture-Rasch model . Psychometrika, to appear.
MEULDERS, M., IP, E. and P. DE BOECK, Latent variable models for partially ordered responses and trajectory analysis of anger-related feelings . Bristish Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, to appear.
MEULDERS, M., DE BOECK, P., VAN MECHELEN, I. and A. GELMAN, Probabilistic feature analysis of facial perception of emotions . Applied Statistics, to appear.
GELMAN, A., VAN MECHELEN, I. VERBEKE, G., HEITJAN, D.F. and M. MEULDERS, Multiple imputation for model checking: Completed-data plots with missing and latent data . Biometrics, to appear.
DE BOECK, P. and D. SMITS, A double-structure structural equation model for the study of emotions and their components (keynote lecture) . Proceedings of the XXVIIIth International Congress of Psychology (Beijing, August 2004),Psychology press, to appear.
CEULEMANS, E. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Hierarchical classes models for three-way three-mode binary data: Interrelations and model selection . Psychometrika, to appear.
SANCHEZ-SELLERO, C., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Uniform representation of product-limit integrals with applications . Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 32, 563-581, 2005.
HALL, P. and I. VAN KEILEGOM , Testing for monotone increasing hazard rate. . The Annals of Statistics, 33, 3, 1109-1137, 2005.
GIJBELS, I., Monotone regression . in KOTZ, S., JOHNSON, N.L., READ, C.B., BALAKRISHNAN, N. and B. VIDAKOVIC (eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, to appear.
BROUHNS, N., DENUIT, M. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Bootstrapping the Poisson log-bilinear model for mortality forecasting . Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 3, 212-224, 2005.
SARDY, S., ANTONIADIS, A. and P. TSENG, Automatic smoothing with wavelets for a wide class of distributions . J. Comput. Graphical Stat., 13, 399-421, 2004.
MERCIER, G., BERTHAULT, N., MARY, J., PEYRE, J., ANTONIADIS, A., COMET, J.P., CORNUEJOL, A., FROIDEVAUX, C. and M. DUTREIX, Biological detection of low radiation doses by combining results of two microarray analysis methods . Nucleic Acids Research, 32, 1-7, 2004.
LE BORGNE, H., GUERIN, A. and A. ANTONIADIS, Representation of images for classification with independent features . Pattern Recognition Lett., 25, 141-154, 2004.
FORT, G. and S. LAMBERT-LACROIX, Ridge-partial least squares for generalized linear models with binary response . In ANTOCH, J. (ed.), 16th Symposium of IASC, COMPSTAT'04, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Physica Verlag/Springer, 1019-1026, 2004.
ANTONIADIS, A., GREGOIRE, G. and I. McKEAGUE, Bayesian estimation in single-index models . Stat. Sin., 14, 1147-1164, 2004.
ABRAMOVICH, F., ANTONIADIS, A., SPATINAS, T. and B. VIDAKOVIC, Optimal testing in a fixed-effects functional analysis of variance models . Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inf. Proc, 2, 323-349, 2004.
BEUTNER, E., Risk minimization in financial markets when considering transaction costs . Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, 2004.
VEREDAS, D. and R. PASCUAL, Qu componentes del libro de rdenes son informativos . Revista Bolsa de Madrid, 31, 2004.
PAINDAVEINE, D., A unified and elementary proof of serial and nonserial, univariate and multivariate, Chernoff-Savage results . Statistical Methodology, 1, 81-91.
HALLIN, M. and A. SAIDI, Testing non-correlation and non-causality between multivariate ARMA time series . Journal of Time Series Analysis, 26, 83-105, 2004.
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VINH-HUNG, V., BURZYKOWSKI, T., CSERNI, G., VOORDECKERS, M., VAN DE STEENE, J. and G. STORME, Functional form of the effect of the numbers of axillary nodes on survival in early breast cancer . International Journal of Oncology, 22, 697-704, 2003.
VAN VLIERBERGHE, H., LEROUX-ROELS, G., ADLER, M., BOURGEOIS, N., NEVENS, F., HORSMANS, Y., BROUWER, J., COLLE, I., DELWAIDE, J., BASTENS, B., HENRION, J., VRIES, R.A., GALOCSY, C., MICHIELSEN, P., ROBAEYS, G. and L. BRUCKERS, Daily induction combination treatment with alpha 2b interferon and ribavirin or standard combination treatment in naive chronic hepatitis C patients. A multicentre randomized controlled trial . Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 10, 460-466, 2003.
TIBALDI, F. S., CORTIÑAS ABRAHANTES, J., MOLENBERGHS, G., RENARD, D., BURZYKOWSKI, T., BUYSE, M., PARMAR, M., STIJNEN, T. and R. WOLFINGER, Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints . Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658, 2003.
TIBALDI, F., BRUCKERS, L., VAN OYEN, H., VAN DER HEYDEN, J. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Statistical software for calculating properly weighted estimates from health interview survey data . International Journal of Public Health, Hints and Kinks, 48, 4, 2003.
SPEYBROECK, N., BOELAERT, G., RENARD, D., BURZYKOWSKI, T., MINTIENS, K., MOLENBERGHS, G. and D. L. BERKVENS, Design-based analysis of surveys: a bovine herpesvirus 1 case study . Epidemiology and Infection, 131, 991-1002, 2003.
SHKEDY, Z., AERTS, M., MOLENBERGHS, G. and P. BEUTELS, Modeling forces of infection using monotone local polynomials . Applied Statistics, 52, 469-485, 2003.
ROBAEYS, G., VAN VLIERBERGHE, H., MATHEI, C., VAN RANST, M., BRUCKERS, L. and F. BUNTINX, Compliance and effect of treatment for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in intravenous drug users (IVDUS) . Journal of Hepatology, 38, 165, 2003.
RENARD, D., GEYS, H., MOLENBERGHS, G., BURZYKOWSKI, T., BUYSE, M., VANGENEUGDEN, T. nad L. BIJNENS, Validation of longitudinally measured surrogate marker for a time-to-event endpoint . Journal of Applied Statistics, 30, 235-247, 2003.
REGULAR, J., HENNIG, E., BURZYKOWSKI, T., ORLOWSKA, J., PRYTULSKI, K., POLLOWSKI, M., DZIURKOWSKA-MAREK, A., MAREK, T., NOWAK, A., BUTRUK, E. and J. OSTROWSKI, Multivariate analysis of risk factors for development of duodenal ulcer in Helicobacter pylori-infected patients . Digestion, 67, 25-31, 2003.
PIERIK, M., VERMEIRE, S., VAN STEEN, K., JOOSSENS, S., CLAESSES, G., VLIETINCK, R. and P. RUTGEERTS, TNF-alpha receptor 1 and 2 (TNFR1 and TNFR2) polymorphisms in UBD and their association with response to infliximab . Gut, 52, suppl. IV, A46.
PIERIK, M., VERMEIRE, S., VAN STEEN, K., EL HOUSNI, H., DEVIERE, J., RUTGEERTS, P. and D. FRANCHIMONT, Deficient host - bacteria interaction in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): the toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 Asp299Gly polymorphism is associated with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) . Gut, 52, suppl. IV, A36.
NGUTI, R., JANSSEN, P., ROWLANDS, G. J., AUDHO, J. O. and R. L. BAKER, Survival of Red Masaai, Dorper and crossbred lambs in the sub-humid tropics . Animal Science, 76, 3-17, 2003.
MOLENBERGHS, G., CUIJPERS, C., GOETGHEBEUR, E.J.T., PASSCHIER, W.F. and J. PIETERS, Sexual maturation in relation to polychlorinated aromatic hydocarbons: sharpe and Skakkebaek's hypothesis revisited . Comment on DEN HOND, E., ROELS, H.A., HOPPENBROUWERS, K., NAWROT, T., THIJS, L. and C. VANDERMEULEN et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, (2002); 110, 771-776; 111, A12, 2003.
MALLINCKRODT, C.H., SCOTT CLARK, W., CARROLL, R.J. and G. MOLENBERGHS , Assessing response profiles from incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data with subject dropout under regulatory conditions . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 13, 179-190, 2003.
MALLINCKRODT, C.H., CARROLL, R.J., DEBROTA, D.J., DUBE, S., MOLENBERGHS, G., POTTER, W.Z., SANGER, T.D. and G.D. TOLLEFSON , Assessing and interpreting treatment effects in longitudinal clinical trials with subject dropout. . Biological Psychiatry, 53, 754-760, 2003.
LAMMERTYN, J., DE KETELAERE, B., MARQUENIE, D., MOLENBERGHS, G. and B. M. NICOLAÏ, Mixed models for repeated multicategorical response: modelling the time effect of physical treatments on strawberry sepal quality . Postharvest Biology and Technology, 30, 195-207, 2003.
KENWARD, M. G., MOLENBERGHS, G. and H. THIJS, Pattern-mixture models with proper time dependence . Biometrika, 90, 53-71, 2003.
JANSEN, I., MOLENBERGHS, G., AERTS, M., THIJS, H. and K. VAN STEEN, A local influence approach applied to binary data from a psychiatric study . Biometrics, 59, 410-419, 2003.
FAES, C., GEYS, H., AERTS, M. and G. MOLENBERGHS , Use of fractional polynomials for dose response modelling and quantitative risk assessment in developmental toxicity studies . Statistical Modelling, 3, 109-125, 2003.
DE KETELAERE, B., LAMMERTYN, J., MOLENBERGHS, G., NICOLAI, B., and J. DE BAERDEMAEKER, Statistical models for analyzing repeated quality measurements of horticultural products . Mathematical Biosciences, 185, 169-189, 2003.
BUYSE, M., BURZYKOWSKI, T., PARMAR, M., TORRI, V., OMURA, G., COLOMBO, N., WILLIAMS, C., CONTE, P. and J. VERMORKEN, Using the "expected" survival to explain differences between the results of randomized trials: a case in advanced ovarian cancer . Journal of Clinical Oncology, 21, 9, 1682-1687, 2003.
BURZYKOWSKI, T., SZUBIAKOWSKI, J., and T. RYDEN, Analysis of photon count data from single-molecule fluorescence experiments . Chemical Physics, 288, 291-307, 2003.
BURZYKOWSKI, T., MOLENBERGHS, G., ABECK, D., HANEKE, E., HAY, R., KATSAMBAS, A., ROSEEUW, D., VAN DER KERKHOF, P. and G. MARYNISSEN, High prevalence of foot diseases in Europe: results of the Achilles project . Mycoses, 46, 495-505, 2003.
BUNTINX, F., GEYS, H., LOUSBERGH, D., BROEDERS, G., CLOES, E., DHOLLANDER, D., OP DE BEECK, L., VANDENBRANDE, J., VAN WAES, A. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Geographical differences in cancer incidence in the Belgian province of Limburg . European Journal of Cancer, 39, 2058-2072, 2003.
BRAEKERS, R. and N. VERAVERBEKE, Testing for the partial Koziol-Green model with covariates . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 115, 181-192, 2003.
BEUTELS, P., SHKEDY, Z., MUKOMOLOV, S., AERTS, M., SHARGORODSKAYA, E., PLOTNIKOVA, V., MOLENBERGHS, G. and P. VAN DAMME, Hepatitis B in Saint Petersburg, Russia (1994-1999): a descriptive epidemiological analysis . Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 10, 141-149.
ALONSO, A., GEYS, H., KENWARD, M.G., MOLENBERGHS, G. and T. VANGENEUGDEN , Validation of surrogate markers in multiple randomized clinical trials with repeated measurements. . Biometrical Journal, 45, 931-945, 2003.
SPIESSENS, B., LESAFFRE, E. and G. VERBEKE, A comparison of group sequential methods for binary longitudinal data . Statistics in Medicine, 22, 501-515, 2003.
MWALILI, S. M., LESAFFRE, E. and D. DECLERCK , Correcting for inter-observer effects in a geographical oral health study . Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Leuven, Belgium, Verbeke, Molenberghs, Aerts, Fieuws (eds.), 329-334, 2003.
MORRELL, C. H., BRANT, L. J., PEARSON, J. D., VERBEKE, G. and J. L. FLEG, Applying linear mixed-effects models to the problem of measurement error in epidemiologic studies . Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 32, 437-459, 2003.
KOMAREK, A., LESAFFRE, E. and J.F. HILTON, Accelerated failure time model for arbitrarily censored data with smoothed error distribution . Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Leuven, Belgium, Verbeke, Molenberghs, Aerts, Fieuws (eds.), 233-238.
FEYS, H., DE WEERDT, W., PEERAER, L., VERBEKE, G., VERLINDEN, B. and A. NIEUWBOER, Foot loading and roll-off pattern during walking: A comparison between stroke patients and age- and sex-matched control subjects . Stroke, to appear.
BRANT, L. J., SHENG, S. L., MORRELL, C. H., VERBEKE, G., LESAFFRE, E. and H. B. CARTER, Heterogeneous random-effects models for screening of prostate cancer . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society, 166, 51-62, 2003.
TUERLINCKS, F. and R. RATCLIFF, Handling outliers in estimating the diffusion model for reaction time data . Paper presented at the 13th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Sardinia, Italy.
SMITS, D., DE BOECK, P. and M. HOSKENS, Examining the structure of concepts: Using interactions between items . Applied Psychological Measurement, 27, 41-439, 2003.
SMITS, D. and P. DE BOECK, A componential IRT model for guilt . Multivariate Behavorial Research, 38, 161-188, 2003.
RIJMEN, F. and P. DE BOECK, Reasoning correlates of individual differences in the interpretation of conditionals . Psychological Research, 67, 219-231, 2003.
DE KNOP, S. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Estimation of mixture models: A bayesian approach . Paper presented at the 13th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Cagliari, Italy.
BEIRLANT, J., JOOSSENS, E. and J. SEGERS, A new model for large claims . North American Actuarial Journal, to appear.
HJORT, N. L. and G. CLAESKENS, Rejoinder to "The focussed information criterion" and "Frequentist model average estimators" . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 938-945, 2003.
HJORT, N. L. and G. CLAESKENS, Frequentist model average estimators . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 879-899, 2003.
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DU, Y., AKRITAS, M. G. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Nonparametric methods for analysis of covariance with censored data . Biometrika, 90, 269-287, 2003.
DELOUILLE, V. and R. von SACHS , Smooth design-adapted wavelets for half-regular designs in two dimensions. . In Proceedings of the SPIE 2003, San Diego.
CLAESKENS, G. and N. L. HJORT, The focussed information criterion . Journal of The American Statistical Association, 98, 900-916, 2003.
AKRITAS, M. G. and I. VAN KEILEGOM , Estimation of the bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data. . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 65, 457-471, 2003.
LESAFFRE, E., KOCMANOVA, D., LEMOS, P.A., DISCO, C.M.C. and P.W. SERRUYS, A retrospective analysis of the effect of noncompliance on time to first major adverse cardiac events in LIPS . Clinical Therapeutics, 25, 2431-2447, 2003.
HAKIZAMUNGU, J. and J.-M. ROLIN, Bayesian nonparametric duration model with censorship . Statistica, 2, 237-248, 2003.
LOMBARDI, L., CEULEMANS, E. and I. VAN MECHELEN, A hierarchical classes approach to discriminant analysis. . In SCHADER, M., GAUL, W. and M. VICHI (eds.), Between data science and applied data analysis: Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organization, Heidelberg, Springer, pp 296-304, 2003.
CEULEMANS, E. and I. VAN MECHELEN, An algorithm for HICLAS-R model. . In SCHADER, M., GAUL, W. and VICHI, M. (eds.), Between data science and applied data analysis: Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organization, Heidelberg, Springer, pp 173-181, 2003.
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RIJMEN, F., TUERLINCKX, F., DE BOECK, P. and P. KUPPENS , A nonlinear mixed model framework for item response theory . Psychological Methods, 8, 185-205, 2003.
RIJMEN, F. and P. DE BOECK, A latent class model for individual differences in the interpretation of conditionals . Psychological Research, 67, 219-231, 2003.
MEULDERS, M., DE BOECK, P. and I. VAN MECHELEN , A taxonomy of latent structure assumptions for probability matrix decomposition models . Psychometrika, 68, 61-77, 2003.
CEULEMANS, E., VAN MECHELEN, I. and I. LEENEN , Tucker3 hierarchical classes analysis . Psychometrika, 68, 413-433, 2003.
CEULEMANS, E. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Uniqueness of the N-way N-mode hierarchical classes models . Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 259-264, 2003.
BERKHOF, J., VAN MECHELEN, I., and A. GELMAN , A Bayesian approach to the selection and testing of mixture models . Statistica Sinica, 13, 423-442, 2003.
BERTERO, M., BOCCACCI, P., CUSTO, A., DE MOL, C. and M. ROBBERTO, A fourier-based method for the restoration of chopped and nodded images . Astronomy and Astrophysics 406, 765-772, 2003.
BOCK, H.-H., Two-way clustering for contingency tables: maximizing a dependence measure . In: SCHADER, M., GAUL, W. and M. VICHI (eds.): Between data science and applied data analysis. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 143-154.
BOCK, H.-H., Convexity-based clustering criteria: theory, algorithms, and applications in statistics . Statistical Methods & Applications, 12, 293-317, 2003.
CROUX, C., VAN AELST, S. and C. DEHON, Bounded influence regression using high breakdown scatter matrices . Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 55, 265-285.
CROUX, C. and C. DEHON, Estimators of the multiple correlation coefficient: local robustness and confidence intervals . Statistical Papers, 44, 315-334.
TILQUIN, P., VAN KEILEGOM, I., COPPIETERS, W., LE BOULENGE, E. and P.V. BARET, Non-parametric interval mapping in half-sib designs : use of midranks to account for ties . Genet. Res., Camb. 81, 221-228, 2003. [abstract]
VAN BELLEGEM, S., FRYZLEWICZ, P. and R. von SACHS, A wavelet-based model for forecasting non-stationary processes . Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 173, 955-958, 2003. Paper presented at 24th Int. Coll. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Paris, France, July 2002.
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CLAESKENS, G. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Bootstrap confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives . The Annals of Statistics, 31, 6, 1852-1884, 2003.
FRYZLEWICZ, P., VAN BELLEGEM, S. and R. von SACHS, Forecasting non-stationary time series by wavelet process modelling . The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 55, 4, 737-764, 2003. [abstract]
GIJBELS, I. and U. GURLER, Estimation in change point for hazard function with censored data . Lifetime Data Analysis, 9, 395-411, 2003.
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DU, Y., AKRITAS, M.G. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Nonparametric analysis of covariance for censored data . Biometrika. 90, 2, 269-287, 2003 [abstract]
AKRITAS, M.G. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Estimation of bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data . Journal of Royal Statistical Society. Series B, 65, Part 2, 457-471, 2003 [abstract]
HALL, P. and I. VAN KEILEGOM, Using difference-based methods for inference in nonparametric regression with time series errors . Journal of Royal Statistical Society. Series B, 65, Part 2, 443-456, 2003 [abstract]
ZHANG, J. and I. GIJBELS, Sieve empirical likelihood and extensions of the generalized least squares . Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 30, 1-24, 2003.
GIJBELS, I., Inference for nonsmooth regression curves and surfaces using kernel-based methods . Recent Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics. 183-201, 2003.
SIMAR, L., Detecting outliers in frontier models : a simple approach . Journal of Productivity Analysis. 20, 391-424, 2003.
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FLAHAUT, B., MOUCHART, M., SAN MARTIN, E. and I. THOMAS, The local spatial autocorrelation and the kernel method for identifying black zones. A comparative approach . Accident Analysis and Prevention. 35, 991-1004, 2003.
VANDENHENDE, F., LAMBERT, Ph. and N. RAMADAN, Statistical models for the analysis of controlled trials on acute migraine . Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2, 199-210, 2003.
VANDENHENDE, F. and Ph. LAMBERT, Improved rank-based dependence measures for categorical data . Statistics & Probability Letters, 63, 157-163, 2003. [abstract]
MOUCHART M. and E. SAN MARTIN, Specification and identification issues in models involving a latent hierarchical structure . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 111, 143-163, 2003. [abstract]
DONOHO, D.L., MALLAT, S., von SACHS, R. and Y. SAMUELIDES, Signal and covariance estimation with macrotitles . IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 51, 3, 614-627, 2003. [abstract]
MOLENBERGHS, G., THIJS, H., KENWARD, M. G. and G. VERBEKE, How meaningful and sensitive are selection models and pattern-mixture models ? . In Proceedings of the XXIth International Biometric Conference, pp. 295-315, 2002.
BOCK, H.-H., Convexity-based clustering criteria: a new approach. . Rector's Lectures, Cracow University of Economics, 5, 1-14, 2002.
BOCK, H.-H., Clustering methods: from classical models to new approaches . Statistics in Transition, 5, 725-758, 2002.
REICHLIN, L, Extracting business cylce indexes from large data sets: aggregation, estimation, identification . In DEWATRIPONT, M., HANSEN, L. and S. TURNOVSKY (eds.), Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, to appear.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, A fine invariant linear hypotheses for the multivariate general linear model with ARMA error terms . In Mathematical Statistics and Applications: Festschrift for Constance van Eeden, IMS Monograph-Lecture Note Series, to appear.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Optimal procedures based on interdirections and pseudo-Mahalanobis ranks for testing multivariate elliptic white noise against ARMA dependence . Bernoulli, 8, 787-815, 2002.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Multivariate signed ranks: Randle's interdirections of Tyler's angles ? . In DODGE, Y. (ed.) Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L1 norm and related methods, Base: Birkhäuser, 271-282, 2002.
HALLIN, M. and D. PAINDAVEINE, Optimal tests for multivariate location based on interdirections and pseudo-Mahalanobis rank . Annals of Statistics, 30, 1103-1133, 2002.
HALLIN, M, Chernoff-Savage theorems, Contiguity, Differentiability in quadratic mean, Hoe ding's U statistics, Lebesgue decomposition? Le Cam's first lemma, Le Cam's third lemma? local asymptotic mixed normality, local asymptotic normality, op and op notation, rank autocorrelation coefficients, serial rank statistics, U statistics . In A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, (sixth edition), Harlow, U.K.: longman, 2002.
EL BANTLI, F. and M. HALLIN, Estimation of the innovation quantile density function of an AR(p) process, based on autoregression quantiles . Bernoulli, 8, 255-274, 2002.
EL BANTLI, F. and M. HALLIN, Estimation in autoregressive models based on autoregression rank scores . Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 13, 667-697, 2002.
ALLAL, J., KAAOUACHI, A. and D. PAINDAVEINE, R-estimation for ARMA models . Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 13, 815-831, 2002.
VAN STEEN, K., CURRAN, D., KRAMER, J., MOLENBERGHS, G., VAN VRECKEM, A. and R. SYLVESTER, Multicollinearity in prognostic factor analysis using the EORTC QLQ-C30: identification and impact on model selection . Statistics in Medicine, to appear.
TIBALDI, F., DEMAREST, S., VAN OYEN, H., TAFIOREAU, J., BRUCKERS, L., MOLENBERGHS, G. and K. VAN STEEN, Changing strategies in the organization of the Belgian Health Interview Survey . Archives of Public Health, to appear.
SPEYBROECK, N., BOELAERT, F., RENARD, D., BURZYKOWSKI, T., MINTIENS, K., MOLENBERGHS, G. and D. L. BERKVENS, Important statistical issues in a design-based analysis of surveys: a Bovine Hespesvirus 1 case study . Epidemiology and Infection, to appear.
MOLENBERGHS, G., KENWARD, M.G. and E. GOETGHEBEUR, Sensitivity analysis for incomplete contingency tables: the Slovenian plebiscite case . Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section (American Statistical Association), 2002.
MOLENBERGHS, G., BUYSE, M., GEYS, H., RENARD, D. and T. BURZYKOWSKI, Challenges in the methodology for the validation of surrogate endpoints in randomized trials . In STASINOPOULOS, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Crete, 2002.
MALLINCKRODT, C.H., SCOTT CLARK, W., CARROLL, R.J. and G. MOLENBERGHS , Response profiles for longitudinal clinical trial data with subject dropout under regulatory considerations. . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, to appear.
FAES, C., GEYS, H., AERTS, M., CATALANO, P. and G. MOLENBERGHS, Modelling combined continuous and ordinal outcomes . In STASINOPOULOS, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Crete, 247-254, 2002.
ALONSO, A., GEYS, H., MOLENBERGHS G. and T. VANGENEUGDEN , Investigating the criterion validity of psychiatric symptom scales using surrogate marker validation methodology. . Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, to appear.
ALONSO, A., GEYS, H., KENWARD, M.G., MOLENBERGHS, G. and T. VANGENEUGDEN , Validation of surrogate markers in multiple randomized clinical trials with repeated measures. . In STASINOPOULOS, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Crete, 95-104, 2002.
AERTS, M., CLAESKENS, G. and M. P. WAND, Some theory for penalized spline generalized additive models . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 103, 455-470, 2002.
GHIDEY, W., LESAFFRE, E., EILERS, P. and G. VERBEKE, P-spline smoothing for random effects distribution estimation . Proceeding of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2002.
BOGAERTS, K., LEROY, R., DECLERCK, D. and E. LESAFFRE, Modeling tooth emergence data based on multivariate interval-censored data . Statistics in Medicine, 21, 3775-3787, 2002.
TUERLINCKX, F., DE BOECK, P. and W. LENS, Measuring needs with the Thematic Apperception Test: A psychometric study . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 448-461, 2002.
RATCLIFF, R. and F. TUERLINCKX, Estimating the parameters of the diffusion model . Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9, 438-481, 2002.
BEIRLANT, J., BERLINET, A., BIAU, G. and I. VAJDA, Divergence-type errors of smooth Barron-type density estimators . Test, 11, 191-217, 2002.
LOMBARDI, L. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Conjunctive prediction of an ordinal criterion on the basis of binary predictors . Discrete Applied Mathematics, under revision.
SIMAR, L. and P. W. WILSON , Nonparametric tests of returns to scale . European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 115-132, 2002.
CAZALS, C., FLORENS, J-P. and L. SIMAR, Nonparametric frontier estimation : a robust approach . Journal of Econometrics 106, 1-25, 2002.
MEULDERS, M., DE BOECK, P. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Rater classification on the basis of latent features in responding to situations. . In GAUL, W. and G. RITTER (eds.), Classification, automation and new media, Berlin, Springer, pp 453-461, 2002.
RIJMEN, F. and P. DE BOECK, The random weights linear logistic test model . Applied Psychological Measurement, 26, 271-285, 2002.
MEULDERS, M., DE BOECK, P., KUPPENS, P. and I. VAN MECHELEN, Constrained latent class analysis of three-way three-mode data . Journal of Classification, 19, 277-302, 2002.
DE MOL, C. and M. DEFRISE, A note on wavelet-based inversion algorithms . In: NASHED, M. Z. and O. SCHERZER (eds.): Inverse Problems, Image Analysis and Medical Imaging. Series "Contemporary Mathematics" 313, pp. 85-96, American Mathematical Society, 2002.
CROUX, C. and C. DEHON, Analyse canonique basée sur des estimateurs robustes de la matrice de covariance . La Revue de Statistique Appliquée, L (2), 5-26.
OMBAO, H., RAZ, J., von SACHS, R. and W. GUO, The SLEX model of a non-stationary random process . Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 54, 1, 171-200, 2002. [abstract]
CLIMOV, D., HART, J. and L. SIMAR, Automatic smoothing and estimation in single index poisson regression . Nonparametric Statistics. 14, 3, 307-323, 2002. [abstract]
ZHANG, J, Some extensions of Tukey's depth function . Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 82, 134-165, 2002. [abstract]
SIMAR, L. and P.W. WILSON, Non-parametric tests of returns to scale . European Journal of Operational Research. 139, 115-132, 2002. [abstract]
HALL, P. and L. SIMAR, Estimating a changepoint, boundary, or frontier in the presence of observation error . Journal of the American Statistical Association. 97, 458, 523-534, 2002. [abstract]
MICHIELS, B., MOLENBERGHS, G., BIJNENS, L., VANGENEUGDEN, T. and H. THIJS, Selection models and pattern-mixture models to analyze longitudinal quality of life data subject to dropout . Statistics in Medicine. 21, 1023-1041, 2002. [abstract]
THIJS, H., MOLENBERGHS, G., MICHIELS, B., VERBEKE, G. and D. CURRAN, Strategies to fit pattern-mixture models . Biostatistics. 3, 245-265, 2002. [abstract]
GEYS, H., MOLENBERGHS, G. and P. WILLIAMS, Analysis of clustered binary data with covariates specific to each observation . Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. 7, 1-15, 2002. [abstract]
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