Actuality on permafrost

December 2021 – “Au chevet du permafrost” – Interview de Sophie Opfergelt par Véronique Thyberghien et Cédric Wautier (La première RTBF) – Emission Tendances Première

November 2021 – Press release (TV, radio, newspaper) about the fieldwork of the WeThaw team in Abisko, Sweden: RTBF web article 10/11/21, La première and Vivacité Radio 10/11/21, JT RTL – 13H & 19H 11/11/21, RTL info web article 11/11/21, DH net- Web 11/11/21, L’Avenir newspaper 16/11/21, UCLouvain – Actualités, UCLouvain – It’s a new week

November 2021 – Dégel du permafrost, une bombe à retardement (Les Mardis de la Planète – RTBF)

November 2021Pergélisol : la planète a-t-elle passé le point de non-retour ? (article de vulgarisation dans la lignée des derniers rapports du GIEC (AR5, SROCC, AR6))

October 2021 – How is the permafrost in Abisko Sweden? – Keith Larson, Abisko scientific research station

June 2021Ma Thèse en 180 secondes : finale nationale 2021

April 2021 – Faire passer les bateaux par le pôle Nord

October 2020 – How thawing permafrost could fuel climate warming

July 2020 – Siberia’s enormous hole in the ground is getting bigger

June 2020 – Siberian heat wave is a ‘warning cry’ from the Arctic

May 2020 – Le permafrost arctique en péril grave (including an interview from a member of WeThaw, Le Soir, after the incident in Siberia)

January 2020 – How thawing permafrost is beginning to transform the Arctic

November 2019 – What happens when the permafrost thaws?

October 2019 – Arctic permafrost is thawing fast. That affects us all.

September 2019 – Is the Northern Permafrost Zone a Source or a Sink for Carbon?

August 2019 – The WeThaw is going to Alaska to sample thawing permafrost – press release on Television (RTL 19h, RTBF 13h, TVcom), Radio (Vivacité Journal), Newspaper and Web articles (La DH, La libre, L’Avenir, RTBF, RTLInfo, Le Vif, TVcom, L’Avenir BW)

July 2019 – Unprecedented heat wave in Alaska with a record at 32°C

June 2019 – The poisons released by melting arctic ice

May 2019 – Un village déplacé en Alaska au journal télévisé sur RTBF

March 2019 – The Permafrost Mystery: scientists explore giant Yamal Sinkhole

December 2018 – Claim the climate by walking in Brussels on 2 December 2018

November 2018 – Impact crater underneath Greenland: a fascinating Arctic discovery just released!

September 2018 – Films about Polar regions from the USAPECS Polar Film Festival 2018

August 2018 – Une réaction en chaîne irréversible pourrait transformer la Terre en étuve

June 2018 – Le Monde – “Pourquoi la fonte du permafrost est une menace pour l’humanité”

May 2018 –What are Alaska’s soils telling us?

Mars 2018 – Fascinating movie “Ice Alive” about active microbial life in glaciers and ice sheets

February 2018 – An unfrozen North

January 2018 – Arctic expedition at the theater in Brussels

December 2017 – A new movie on permafrost « Between Earth and Sky: Climate Change on the Last Frontier »

November 2017 – Le permafrost, l’autre menace climatique – « Le monde »

September 2017 – Warming the Antarctic Ocean of 1°C

August 2017Alaska – Thawing permafrost

March 2017 –  Siberia – Batagaika crater