Catholique de Louvain (UCL-Bruxelles)
Seminars and Conferences of
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
General Informations
Current programme - Public
and topics- Organization - Suggestions
- Financing - Secretariat
Public and topics
All seminars and conferences are accessible to all persons professionally
active in the area of the treated topics. Unless otherwise stated,
no regisitration and no registration fee will be asked for.
the Seminar of the School of Pharmacy is in principle held twice
a month on Tuesday at 1 pm and covers in alternance:.
topics of general interest related to drugs and presented by senior investigators
of the Department, of other Universities, or other Belgian or foreign Universities
and Industries
research subjects presented by graduating students of the Department
These presentations are primarily intended for the members of the Department
and of the School of Pharmacy as well as to students following one of the
Study programs of the School (especially at the graduating and post-graduating
levels), but all other persons active or interested by the topics presented
are welcome to participate.
the Seminars organised by the Department Units propose advanced
research topics subjects related to the research activities of the organizing
the DEA or DES Conferences present general reviews
over a particular field in the Pharmaceutical Sciences or Biological, Chemical
or Medical Sciences related to drugs. Most of these conferences are
given by experts from other Departments, Universities or Industries wo
have a direct professional or scientific experience in the topic under
the Colloquia, Symposia or "One-day meetings"
are meant to review authoritatively the status in a particular research
field or in a professionally field in connection with drugs; they
are generally addressed to a specialized public.
The Chaire Pierre Dumont
("Pierre Dumont Chair") was created on the initiative of the members of
the School of Pharmacie to honor Professor Pierre Dumont, who was in charge
of the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Université Catholique
de Louvain untill 1993. It allows to invite a foreign lecturer
who will present a "State of the Art" on an important topic in the field
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The seminars and conferences are organized by the members of the Department
and/or of the School.
The Seminars and Conferences of the School of Pharmacy are organized
by a committee of members of the School designated by the Committee for
Research Aid. As from the year 2001, the Seminars are coodronnated
by Prof. D. Lambert.
The Seminars organized by the Units, the DEA
Conferences (Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cellular and Molecular Biology),
the Inter-departmental Seminars, the Colloquia, and the Symphosia
are organized by the members of the Department. For further information
click on the name of the contactperson mentioned in each announcement.
All suggestions (proposals for topics, lecturers, , material organization,
individual participation) are very welcome. This can
be done by contacting a member of the Department or the School or directly
with the organizers.
Thanks in advance !
The financing of the Seminars and Conferences is made on basis of donations
(Mécénat) . If the donation is made without seeking
fiscal deduction, it can be made by bank transfert the account no.
(Crédit Communal de Belgique) of the "Université
Catholique de Louvain", Place de l'Université 1, 1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, with the mention "For internal account no.
(SEMPHAR)"; if fiscal deduction is seeked, the donation mustbe
made to the account no. 271-0366366-29 (Société
Générale de Banque) of the Université Catholique
de Louvain-Mécénat, Place de l'Université 1, 1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, mentionning: "Mécénats pour les Séminaires
- compte interne 664449 (SEMPHAR)".
1. For the Seminars and Conferences of the School of Pharmacy:
Professeur D. Lambert
Secrétariat de l'Ecole de Pharmacie
UCL 73.60 avenue E. Mounier 73
1200 Bruxelles
E-mail: lambert@cmfa.ucl.ac.be
2. For all other Seminars and Conferences:
Please contact the organizer (mentioned for every meeting).
End of file...