Résumé :
"Growing appreciation of the necessity of, and evidence-based strategies for, working collaboratively with communities in health promotion and related fields have been well documented. Yet community engagement, the umbrella term for many of these efforts, is rarely taught as a standalone course, nor is a critical component of community engagement –antiracism practice—typically included. Following a review of the literature, we discuss the contexts, pedagogical grounding and strategies, learning objectives and piloting of a “micro course” on community engagement using an antiracism lens at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. Designed for graduate students interested in community-based participatory research and practice but unable to take a full academic course in this area, the 30 hour pilot course drew a diverse mix of 16 students. Focused attention on racism, systematic racism, and antiracism practice was provided through lectures, in-class exercises, homework reflections, and the course final. Case-based examples of the critical role of antiracism practice in community engagement, particularly in and with BIPOC communities, were shared, and a range of strategies explored for building and maintaining cross-cultural partnerships and transforming our own institutions to better reflect antiracism practice. Challenges faced are highlighted, and lessons learned shared, including the imperative of creating, in both course planning and teaching, sharing our positionality and creating safe spaces for discussing any tensions that may arise."