Résumé :
“Even though the right to health is an affirmed human right - defined in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights of 1948 - the welcoming crisis European countries are experiencing is putting migrants’ and refugees’ health at risk. Common law restricts access to healthcare facilities and services for illegal migrants. But even when their rights are ringfenced in legally binding texts, reality reveals a lack of available social, medical and legal services, preventing migrants from being able to fully benefit from their human right to health. To take but one example, housing opportunities are dramatically lacking. Such a situation represents a barrier in the fight against GBV, as it does not allow protection of GBV survivors or of people at risk of suffering from GBV to be effective. As part of WE ACT, MdM France - through its actions in France, Bulgaria and Italy and MdM Belgium - in Belgium and Croatia - provided answers to improve prevention as well as care delivered to GBV survivors among the community of women and children migrants and refugees. Several activities were implemented during the 18 months of the project, such as: awareness raising of the European society of the topic of GBV, through symposium and conferences for instance, creation of networks to improve the cooperation among GBV stakeholders, mapping of the services for women and children migrants and refugees GBV survivors, and development of coordination mechanisms to improve the existing mechanisms. Also, for the purpose of capacity building, training of professionals and cultural mediators was carried out. Psychosocial workshops, information sessions, medical and psychological consultations are some examples of actions carried out as part of the reachout and empowering operations”