UCL/FSA/ELEC - Laboratoire d'électrotechnique et d'instrumentation (LEI)

[Les personnes]

Paul Sente

Version française
Tél: +32/10/47 22 56
Fax: +32/10/47 86 67
E-mail: paul.sente@uclouvain.be
Adresse: Laboratoire d'Électrotechnique et d'Instrumentation
Université Catholique de Louvain
Place du Levant, 3
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Bureau: Bâtiment Maxwell, b.111

Curriculum express

Paul A. Sente was born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1955; he received the "Ingénieur Civil Électricien" Degree from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), in 1978.

From 1978 to 1985, he was Assistant with the Laboratory of Electrical Measurements at the same University where he contributed to the development of microprocessor based instrumentation. He then has been a research engineer with the Laboratory of Electrotechnics and Instrumentation, working in the field of the digital control of DC and AC machines. In 1988, he became senior staff member, in charge of the scientific facilities of the same Laboratory.

In 1995, he became principal engineer in the technical staff of the University. At those times, his research activities focused on the design of DSP based development platforms for easy evaluation of the efficiency of AC machines digital control algorithms. In the years 2000-2001, he was delegated as an LEI expert at S.A.B.C.A. Brussels to cooperate to an aircraft project concerning the development of a whole electrical aircraft actuator. From 2002 to 2004, he was involved in the European project POA-VIB (Power Optimised Aircraft - Virtual Iron Bird). In 2005, he was one of the leaders of a research project (in collaboration with S.A.B.C.A. Brussels) concerning the development of an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) for a Piezo-electric actuator controlling a DDV (Direct Drive Valve).

About what concerns his activities in the field of logistics, Paul Sente became associated member of the "IT" service of the University (SGSI: Service Général du Système d'Information), in the sector of applied sciences (SISE), and within the functional entity "Postes de travail" (SIWS).

In 2006, he was promoted to chief engineer in the technical staff of the University. He is actually active in the European DRESS project where he cooperates to the WP420 and WP430 subprojects.

P. Sente is co-author of one book entitled "Introduction à l'électronique et à ses applications en instrumentation" and author or co-author of about thirty five journal or conference papers.

Ir Sente is a member of the "Association des Ingénieurs civils de l'UCL" (AILv) and of the "Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs Électriciens" (SRBE).


Publications   Publications of Paul Sente

Cours Paul Sente actually cooperates to the following courses :

ELEC2660 Electronique de puissance
ELEC2754 Compléments d'électronique
ELEC2811 Instrumentation et capteurs
ELME22M Projet intégré en mécatronique

More informations about P. Sente




Dernière mise à jour : 24 octobre 2006 - Contact : sente@lei.ucl.ac.be
Réalisation : Sophie Labrique