UCL/FSA/ELEC - Laboratoire d'électrotechnique et d'instrumentation (LEI)

[Les personnes]

Hervé Buyse

Tél: +32/10/47 22 53
Fax: +32/10/47 86 67
E-mail: buyse@lei.ucl.ac.be
Adresse: Laboratoire d'Électrotechnique et d'Instrumentation
Université Catholique de Louvain
Place du Levant, 3
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Bureau: Bâtiment Maxwell, b.109

Curriculum express

Hervé A. Buyse was born in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1941; he received the "Ingénieur Civil Électricien et Mécanicien" and "Docteur en Sciences Appliquées" Degrees from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 1964 and 1976 respectively.

He was Assistant with the Laboratory of Electronics at the same university from 1964 to 1966. Since 1968 he has been with the Laboratory of Electrotechnics and Instrumentation as Assistant, Lecturer, and Professor of Electrical Engineering. From 1981 to 1991 he was a member of the steering board of the UCL, in charge of the faculties of sciences, engineering, and agriculture. Since 1993, he has been head of the Laboratory of Electrotechnics and Instrumentation. His current research activities are power electronics, machine control and sensors.

H. Buyse is a member of the "Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs Électriciens" (SRBE), of the "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers" (IEEE), and of EPE. He received the R. Sinave and Acta Technica Belgica awards from the SRBE. He is member of the scientific comitees of CNRS associated research units nr 1438: GREEN (Nancy) and nr 847: LEEI (Toulouse). H. Buyse is chairman of the FNRS contact group "Électrotechnique" and of the institute of international training in transport (IFIT). He is scientific editor of 3 books author or co-author of more than hundred review papers and communications.

Publications   Publications de Hervé Buyse

Cours Cours donnés à l'UCL

AMCO2148 Séminaire d'hydroélectricité
ELEC2310 Convertisseurs électromécaniques
ELEC2311 Physique interne des convertisseurs électromécaniques
ELEC2313 Commande électronique des moteurs électriques
ELEC2670 Convertisseurs électriques : questions avancées
ELEC2752 Electronique
ELEC2811 Instrumentation et capteurs
PHYS2904 Capteurs physiques
ELEC2753 Electrotechnique
MECA2710 Instrumentation et mesure
MECA3140 Séminaire de mécatronique
FSA1430 Physique
SEHY3218 Sécurité des installations électriques



[UCL] [FSA] [ELEC] [LEI] [Pointeurs utiles]

Dernière mise à jour : 16 septembre 2004 - Contact : Webmast@lei.ucl.ac.be
Réalisation : Sophie Labrique