.. Hydroflow documentation file, created by Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger on Wed Aug 2, 2023. .. _documentation: ################# API documentation ################# The API documentation describes all the classes that Hydroflow proposes. .. toctree:: :caption: Mesh parsers :maxdepth: 1 meshParser .. toctree:: :caption: Watlab :maxdepth: 1 mesh watlab-model watlab-export plotter .. toctree:: :caption: Models :maxdepth: 1 hydroflow-model hydroflow-export .. * :ref:`MeshParser `: a parsing class that takes a GMSH-mesh and transforms it into a Hydroflow-usable-content ; .. * :ref:`Mesh `: a class to store the Mesh extracted from GSMH by the MeshParser ; .. * :ref:`Model `: a class that parameterizes the simulation model that will be solved by the Hydroflow simulation tool; .. * :ref:`Export `: an exportation class that prepares the necessary data files form the C++ solver; .. * :ref:`Plotter `: a helping class allowing the plot some results.