The objectives of this course is to teach the comparative anatomy of domestic animals to future doctors in veterinary medicine. The acquirement of this basic knowledge is essential to perform any medical act; to attribute any abnormal reaction of an anatomical region to a precise organ, to delimit the areas of auscultation, palpation or percussion; to define the precise sites of therapeutic or surgical interventions. The aim of this course is also to explain the physiology of an organ according to its anatomical characteristics and, by comparison, its abnormal functioning. The functional and clinical aspects of this comparative anatomy are particularly emphazised.

Main themes
The content of this course is divided into defined anatomical systems and others anatomical structures: locomotion system (bones, joints and striated muscles), respiratory system, digestive system, uro-genital system, endocrinology, general sense organs (vision, ear, smell and taste) and common integumen (skin and associated glands).
The detailed anatomy of three reference animals (namely the horse, the cow and the dog) is studied and a comparative approach is made on goat, sheep, cat, pig, rabbit and domestic birds.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite: a good knowledge of basic biology.
Complete illustrated notes can be purchased. All recommended books of comparative and clinical anatomy of domestic animals are available in the veterinary Unit.
The theorical concepts are illustrated by practical activities consisting of detailed dissections of different animal species the (dog, cat, horse, sheep, pig, rat and domestic birds).
