To introduce students to the practice of sociological analysis in the field of social
movements. To develop their ability to use economic, demographic and statistical data for the purpose of sociological analysis.

Main themes
An exposition of the issue of social movements developed by sociological theory.
Applications to the analysis of contemporary social movements.

Content and teaching methods
The main objective of the course is to analyse the profound malaise now affecting all
European democracies, particularly the most advanced (including Belgium), on the basis of the kinds of social movement that this democratic malaise is engendering.
The first part is given over to a genealogy of politics in the modern era in Europe (1500
2000), during which the framework of the emergence of the 'old' social movements and
principally the workers' movement has been resituated.
The second part focuses on contemporary social movements, and the actors (e.g. criminals,
children and nations) that they push centre stage.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course requires no pre requirement other than familiarity with the language of
sociology acquired in the introductory courses.
During the assessment, students will need to be able to demonstrate, in a conversation
with the teacher lasting 20 30 minutes that they have a good understanding of the issue that has been analysed during the course.
This course forms part of a study programme given in the evening and/or on Saturdays.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en criminologie
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Première licence en sociologie
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Deuxième licence en sociologie
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Master en sociologie et anthropologie (option sociologie)
(4 credits)
Première licence en sciences du travail
(4 credits)
Master en sciences du travail (option générale)
(4 credits)
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