Pastoral Theology
This course is an introduction to research in pastoral theology.

Main themes
We expose and discuss original research bearing on a particular question. This means that the subject of the course varies every year.

Content and teaching methods
2002-2003 :
One of the most vulnerable of human experiences is that of guilt, individual here, collective there. The Christian tradition has provided many interpretations, as well as various means of assuming it or going beyond it. The sacrament said to offer "reconciliation" is one means among many others. But postmodern societies have had a tendency of displacing or even doing away with the "sense of sin", understood as a wound uselessly inflicted on the personal conscience. What stand should be taken in such a context ? How should this situation be managed pastorally ? The course will in great part appeal to sociological and psychological approaches to the subject.

Other credits in programs
Première année du diplôme d'études approfondies en théologie
(2 credits)
