To encourage students (i) to analyse the plurality of actors and action logics in the development and/or environment practices and policies, (ii) to understand the scientific relevance of an inter-disciplinary approach integrating social sciences and natural sciences, and (iii) to understand the need to link the spaces of local and global in a systemic perspective.

Main themes
- The theories of action logics and actor logics.
- The specific features of actors in the field of development (ranging from individual to international organisations, and including gender and north/south relations);
- Systemic, inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral approaches in the field;
- An examination of various experiences.

Content and teaching methods
Regulation, rules, and an analysis of decision-making mechanisms in development-population-environment integration.
Education, training and policies for promoting the quality the living environment and life-style in relation to the management of space and the environment.
The role of women and of women's organisations in development-population-environment integration.
This is designed as a research-course involving the collaboration of teachers and students. The knowledge and field experiences of all, both teachers and students will be valued.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Assessment: The final assessment for students will contain two components: their participation throughout the term (i.e. their attentiveness, the tasks performed, and the roles they assume, in addition to the documents prepared (60%), and an original contribution at the end of the course (40%).
Support: The course will rely on a corpus of reading that will be discussed, and on the presentation of research experiences and teachers' and students' interventions.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études approfondies en développement, environnement et sociétés
(7 credits)
